Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [Wh adv] [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 It is difficult to disagree , or to see how she can overcome the problem .
2 I was wondering if you have , or know where I can get , an instruction book .
3 The new law did n't stress how children should learn to speak standard English — or state how they should be taught to read .
4 They do not give the press or the universities or the churches the right to broadcast respectively the programmes on the news , education or religion , or to determine how they should be broadcast ’ ( Annan , 1977 , p. 9 ) .
5 It 's important that home owners are recognizing that there is an over- provision of residential care in the county , and that they are responding and diverting some of their resources , or discussing how they may well , er , divert some resources into home based er , packages of care .
6 It may be considerably easier to give the client an inclusive figure rather than explaining why anyone should want a service provided without skill , care and attention .
7 Once documented the data can be rearranged in a way that reveals how you can reorganize matters to give you more time .
8 You had certain of them that knew where you could slip in — you could slip in for a smoke and a cup of tea , so long as you were n't caught .
9 But they seemed to have reached that point where they could not sleep despite their tiredness .
10 Others were more positive and planned how they might use the waterways to improve their way of life .
11 Jonathon made ships downstairs while Uncle Philip constructed his swan and planned how it should be strung .
12 I was very taken aback , as she had not been old , and asked where she might be buried .
13 Towards the end of my last year I was called by Bishop Knight and asked where I would like to serve .
14 WHILE Jack Nicholson waited outside , Michael Douglas popped into the Seiko hospitality tent at the Barcelona Olympics and asked where he could get one of their watches .
15 He seized on it and asked when he could move in .
16 For some time I was left standing at the counter but eventually one of four assistants came over , introduced himself to me as Mr Palmer and asked how he could help .
17 But the Scottish Office remained unsure how the board could proceed without the use of juniors , and asked how it could continue once the exemption ended .
18 Now if there is no problem why on earth do we have to put that sort of that sort of work by officers erm , in , in to action erm , so between the , if I understand Labour 's position now Chairman , between the twenty fifth of August and the twenty eighth of September , we have now gone from accepting the problem and seeing how we can solve a number problem to saying that there is no no number problem and that everyone is cooking the books .
19 Quite simply this means working out what is needed and seeing how you can supply it .
20 ‘ When I was talking to him , he had this habit of looking over my head and I wondered whether what I was saying was going in , but he was digesting it and seeing how he could turn it round to his way of doing things .
21 Students should be asked to consider particular items of costs that are traditionally classified as variable and fixed and to comment how they would expect them to behave over activity levels in reality .
22 It is possible , then , to systematically examine these factors which are often proposed in describing spoken language learning and to indicate how they might apply in the sign language situation .
23 Study the photograph and suggest why they may want to stop this .
24 HCIMA 's technical Advisory Group ( TAG ) published a technical brief entitled BS5750 — Quality system Guidelines , designed to give an overview of British Standards ( BS ) 5750 and suggest how it could be applied to a hotel and catering operation .
25 For example , if you will be on holiday you can explain this and say where you will be staying .
26 The plan identifies broad development needs and specifies how they will be assessed and met .
27 And so there 's a tremendous onus upon your good selves , to highlight the experience if you like and expertise you have of spotting problems , and explaining how you will get around then within the given fee-bid .
28 This leaflet details the main features of the Income & Growth PEP and highlights how it could benefit you .
29 First , there is a demand for a clear and complete self-consciousness about what we are doing when we form beliefs about the world — a philosophical account of knowledge provides a perspicuous account of knowledge which means that we pursue inquiries knowing what we are doing , knowing why it is rational to proceed as we do , and understanding how we can obtain knowledge .
30 The scapegoat and the remaining members of the group had no fixed seat and sat wherever they could .
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