Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [indef pn] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 He went down there only to make tea or hide something in the fridge .
2 Participants are invited to bring kites or make one in the on-site kite workshop .
3 SUPPOSE you have a print by Picasso , Dali , Miro or Chagall , or sold one in the past few years : you have a special interest in a Brooklyn courtroom this week .
4 If I ca n't read or understand something in the paper he discusses it with me — about what is happening in the country or the community or about what politics can mean .
5 , but then , when you come to the lunatic fringe then supervisor 's will cut an awful lot of corners to prevent them busting up the office or punching somebody in the nose , a real , I do n't mean people who are just stroppy , I mean the real lunatic .
6 Right yeah erm so that can be , that can be a bit awkward but still some of the older stuff can give you a bit of a grounding in , in , in , in , in , in what it 's about if you can find anything relevant and sometimes you 've just got to sort of wander round the library and pick things up off the shelves like at random and see , see if you can find something in the index or find something in the contents pages that sort of vaguely coincides with what the you know what 's been talked about in the class that week erm sometimes if you keep looking you might actually be dead lucky and find one of the recommended books has actually come back in erm you may find that you 've got to be a bit flexible about that because , you know , if a topic 's dealt with in November you may not get a chance to see the book until you know kind of , I do n't know , February or something , you know I mean so it , it sometimes does mean you 've got to do the reading like a bit displaced from the from the classes
7 The makeshift bomb lobbed into an upstairs bedroom was packed with nuts , bolts and glass in an attempt to kill or maim anyone in the room .
8 The policy of the solicitors ' governing body is encapsulated in Rule 1 of the Solicitors ' Practice Rules 1990 ( and of earlier editions ) : A solicitor shall not directly or indirectly obtain or attempt to obtain instructions for professional work or permit another person to do so on his behalf , or do anything in the course of practising as a solicitor , in any manner which compromises or impairs or is likely to compromise or impair any of the following : ( a ) the solicitor 's independence or integrity ; ( b ) a person 's freedom to instruct a solicitor of his choice ; ( c ) the solicitor 's duty to act in the best interests of the client ; ( d ) the good repute of the solicitor or of the solicitor 's profession ; ( e ) the solicitor 's proper standard of work ; ( f ) the solicitor 's duty to the Court .
9 To make a claim is to articulate a public statement that one has ‘ reasons or grounds that put one in a position to engage in performative and propositional claiming ’ .
10 It was n't a story that put anyone in a good light .
11 I am hopeful that we will find a consistent model that describes everything in the universe .
12 Whatever happened to that little boy , all cuddles and kisses and cheeky sayings that set everyone in a roar ?
13 Tony takes the hint and decides not to wax equally lyrical about the Svalbard storm that kept everyone in the tent for seventy-two hours , unable to go out for anything .
14 These are activities that offer everyone in a varied class the chance to share a common mathematical experience , yet to work at a level appropriate to each individual .
15 ‘ The dog that did nothing in the night-time , eh ? ’
16 The Ford ‘ Edsel ’ , unveiled as the car that had everything in the way of advanced engineering , flopped like a dead duck with the public which presumably was little interested in engineering .
17 The idea that there is some grand unified theory that determines everything in the universe raises many difficulties .
18 The idea seems to be that there is a training course that trains everybody in a certain response line .
19 The aims of the Fatherland Union were set out as being " to protect national interests , strengthen national unity and concord and unite everybody in the name of Bulgaria " .
20 If Alison Watt , poor little sausage , had measured the Queen Mum from ear to ear , and got everything in the right place in the same picture , people would probably tell her she was a genius .
21 They have that particular one because the two little girls wanted to be bridesmaid 's , have just been bridesmaid 's and have these dresses and Anna thought the colour was so pretty , cos she went into Laura Ashley and got one in the sale of last years stock .
22 The company 's ability to adapt to new opportunities and capitalize on them depends on its capacity to share information and involve everyone in the organization in a systemwide search for ways to improve , adjust , adapt , and upgrade .
23 They wanted a new start and found one in the form of nearby Hangman 's Wood , owned by the Marley Paving company .
24 It looked round for an ally , and found one in the old hereditary enemy , Austria-Hungary .
25 Then he went to bed , having checked the room for electronic bugs and found one in the base of the lamp .
26 Take three potatoes of the same variety and place one in a cool dark place , expose one to daylight and one to fluorescent light .
27 Take two potatoes of the same variety and place one in the fridge on a high setting and the other in the vegetable rack for three days .
28 At this point Sergeant Aitken came in and muttered something in the Inspector 's ear .
29 His penis was as thick as a chair leg and measured something in the region of seven inches in a flaccid state .
30 We came up with the idea of attaching nose rings to all our players and getting someone in the kop to give a hefty tug when necessary .
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