Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [adv prt] into his " in BNC.

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1 As Bellamy says , ‘ East St. Louis , Belleville , the chip on the shoulder , the bond with mother and grandmother that carried over into his career , the move to the West Coast … what emerged was a great player and one of the toughest , roughest competitors the game has ever known ’ .
2 Jean-Paul shrugged , and sank back into his chair .
3 She felt deep relief and sank back into his arms , allowing exhaustion to overtake her .
4 Favre , brought in to replace injured Don Majkowski , has made the quarterback position his own — despite his first pass hitting an opponent and rebounding back into his own arms for a legal completion .
5 But , even knowing how strong the British now were , he would give up polo tomorrow and climb back into his cockpit and resume the attack on Port Stanley .
6 The young boy was extremely embarrassed but soon swallowed his pride and climbed back into his canoe while we all fell about with laughter around him and it was then that I heard the bang .
7 He had the sensation that it would come apart from the body and roll over into his hands .
8 It was some music he 'd never heard before , but he turned it up loud anyway and took a deep breath and settled back into his seat .
9 As the Trees bent to their grisly task again , there was a terrible cracking , bone-against-muscle sound and Balor screeched , sweat beading on his face and running down into his thick coarse neck .
10 For a while they lay in each other 's arms , the sweet lethargy claiming them , but as Alain 's arms tightened around her and his lips became insistent , Jenna drew back and looked up into his dark eyes .
11 John got down in front of Dad and looked up into his face and said , ‘ It 's our flight . ’
12 Sara lay back against the car seat unresisting , and looked up Into his face .
13 But she leant up on her elbow and looked down into his face and knew the truth of it .
14 Shiona sat up on her elbow and looked down into his face .
15 As Jonna rose to go and change back into his working clothes , he flushed with resentment .
16 And if you think I 'm to be taken in that easy , Miss Jennifer , then think again ! " and muttering to himself that it was as great a pity to see women weep as geese go barefoot , he took Ann by the arm and went back into his house .
17 He drew her by the wrist off the bed , and went back into his own chamber .
18 He turned and went back into his office , and she followed him hastily .
19 Cunningham moved his chair round to Harry 's side of the desk , stopped in front of him and stared up into his face .
20 Dinner had been cheerful and alcoholic , Kevin playing host to his family and slipping back into his old environment as if he had never been away .
21 Even from the distance she could see Doreen clasping his arm while looking up into his face , and it was easy to guess that she was pleading to be moved into a chalet .
22 ‘ Let's go to him at once , ’ she added happily while beaming up into his face .
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