Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [subord] it has " in BNC.

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1 But the location is , as it were , accidental , and contributes nothing to the tension between Circe and Persephone as it has been teased out , in this passage along with others , by Guy Davenport ( see his ‘ Persephone 's Ezra ’ , in New Approaches to Ezra Pound ) .
2 The centre piece of the act is the onymous toad , unique among the frogs and toads because it has lost the horny pads ( the so-called nuptial pads ) that grow on the male 's hands during the breeding season and because it mates on dry land rather than in water .
3 Reading this poem urges us to ask what ‘ essential history ’ is and wonder if it has some ritual pattern .
4 He was told : ‘ We try to keep the panelling for three years , to get it thoroughly seasoned while other wood is dried artificially if required before it has time to get seasoned … we use chiefly mahogany , oak and walnut , a vast amount of teak — one of the most useful woods in railway construction — sycamore ; yellow deal for partitions , roofs and floors ; elm we find of very little use , but we are now very partial to Padouk wood [ from South Australia ] , though the workmen do n't like it much on account of its toughness ’ .
5 People will look at it and see if it has relevance for them .
6 6 Sprinkle the gelatine over 4 tbsp hot water and stir until it has dissolved .
7 Add the sherry to the pan , and stir until it has been reduced to a glaze .
8 Pour the sauce over the vegetables and stir until it has thickened .
9 Add the sugar and stir until it has dissolved .
10 The main aim of the present book is to discuss the theory of psychoanalysis as such ; not to sociologize about it , but to see if it has a contribution to make to sociology itself .
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