Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [adv] large a " in BNC.

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1 Aim for smaller success to start off with , rather than taking too large a leap which might result in disappointment and reduction in confidence .
2 This , as Tudge ( 1988 ) discusses , is a major reason why it is necessary to prevent plant extinction , as is currently occurring in tropical rainforest regions where deforestation is proceeding at a rapid rate ( section 7.3.1 ) , and preserve as large a gene pool as possible .
3 Your job is to go out and create as large a market for your band as is possible for an act without industry representation .
4 While the war continued , and until early 1945 continued on French soil , the General 's main concerns remained to secure the authority of his state , to maximize the French military contribution in the war against Germany , and to ensure as large a role as possible for France in the formulation of the peace settlement .
5 Instead , the unions looked towards wider structures which would advance the interests of all workers in an entire industry , or a territorial subdivision of it , and promote as large a degree of solidarity as possible ( ILO , 1974 ) .
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