Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [adv] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This tool can be developed to help nurses scrutinise their work or evaluate quantitatively the effects of change within a ward on nurse activity .
2 The primary teacher can draw upon many of these to provide a lead in to a topic , or to develop a theme or push forward an enquiry .
3 B.1 Without restricting the rights of the Purchaser to claim damages on any other basis open to it , if it shall be found that any matter which is the subject of any of the Warranties is not as warranted , represented or undertaken then the Vendor shall on demand either : —
4 This motive , which became prominent when inquisitorial methods waned and extra-judicial confessions became an important , and in many instances by far the most important , weapon in the prosecution 's armoury , was particularly weighty at a time when the accused could not rebut or explain away the confession by giving evidence on his own behalf .
5 Enhancement in this context means the carrying out of works which are intended to lengthen substantially the useful life of the asset , to increase substantially its open market value , or to increase substantially the extent to which the asset will serve the purposes of the local authority concerned .
6 If it is your intention to set a cat among the pigeons or let loose an eagle in the dovecote , you do n't send a postcard in advance announcing your intentions . ’
7 Collect them , then blow or shake away the debris , and put seeds in stoppered jars until next spring .
8 For my father would keep the best for himself , to train and breed , and sell or give away the remainder .
9 With regard to octave combinations , flute or oboe double the violas well at the higher octave , and bassoon at the lower octave , but opportunities of using these are rather rare , as the violas are of course chiefly used to supply inner parts either in the nature of harmonic filling up , or countermelodies in which octave doubling would upset the harmonic scheme .
10 Make the beds or clear away the breakfast things ? ’
11 What he can not do without infringing the duty of fidelity is to make such preparations in his employer 's time or use or disclose either the business secrets or trade connections of his employer .
12 In it the poor would have a voice and a share , but would not be able to outweigh or vote away the interests of the propertied and the wealthy .
13 The year is full of changes on the home front , which can imply moving your base of operations or experiencing rather a lot of comings and goings within the family .
14 But the push of teachers is an intervening force which may take the black youth from the realms of inflated ambitions and outlandish dreams of becoming a world champion , winning an Olympic medal or holding aloft the FA Cup to the sometimes arduous and frequently unrewarding world of practical ambition , gritty perseverance and strengthening resolve .
15 Most voters have neither the time nor the inclination to scrutinize position papers or to weigh judiciously the qualities of those who offer themselves in primary elections .
16 It is only when thus defined that Parliament ‘ has , under the English constitution , the right to make or unmake any law whatsoever ; and , further , that no person or body is recognised … as having the right to override or set aside the legislation of Parliament ’ .
17 The principle of Parliamentary sovereignty means neither more nor less than this , namely , that Parliament thus defined has , under the English constitution , the right to make or unmake any law whatever ; and , further , that no person or body is recognised by the law of England as having a right to override or set aside the legislation of Parliament .
18 Parliamentary sovereignty , he wrote , meant that Parliament had " the right to make or unmake any law whatever ; and , further , that no person or body is recognized by the law of England as having a right to override or set aside the legislation of Parliament . "
19 However , the court can also still remit or set aside an arbitration award , under s22 and s23 of the Arbitration Act 1950 , and this continues to be a relatively frequently exercised right .
20 Towing forwards going down wind means that there is no possibility of being blown over , but the controls must be held or locked otherwise the control hinges may be damaged by the surfaces slamming across against the stops .
21 However , such a transaction is valid as between the company and the other party to it , and the court may on the application of the company or the other party to the transaction , affirm , sever , or set aside the transaction on such terms as the court sees fit ( s. 322A(7)CA ) .
22 Sort and clean the seeds , removing stems , casings and chaff manually , by sieving or blowing away the debris .
23 Students are often asked to criticise such and such an author 's views , or to appraise critically the outcome of a particular idea or thought .
24 Since neither headquarters nor division executives discuss or resolve either the attributions or the frustrations , both may eventually begin to distance themselves from each other .
25 It is also held that freedom of expression is applicable not only to information or ideas favourably received but also to those that ‘ offend , shock or disturb either the State or any sector of the population ’ .
26 Do not shake hands in a limp manner or use just the tips of the fingers as this gives the impression you are a weak character .
27 ‘ Because if morality has a status which can not be challenged or transcended then the search itself is under judgment . ’
28 In applications for variation or discharge therefore the court is likely to appoint the guardian who acted when the original order was made .
29 Paragraph 610 of the Bar code provides , first : ’ Counsel must not make statements or ask questions which are merely scandalous or intended or calculated only to vilify insult or annoy either a witness or some other person ; counsel must if possible avoid the naming in open Court of third parties whose characters would thereby be impugned ; counsel must not suggest that a witness or other person is guilty of crime , fraud or misconduct or attribute to another person the crime or conduct of which his lay client is accused ’
30 They were used to heavy work as they had to run the crofts & do all the work themselves when their husbands were away on the boats .
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