Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [adv] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Where unemployment is not defined as per the Act the only common requirements within the policy wordings are that the claimant is in receipt of unemployment benefit ( or registered as unemployed with the DOE/DHSS ) and is available for/actively seeking employment .
2 Her clothing moulds itself to her body so as to reveal or to promise as much of the delights within as it conceals ; it too includes silk , soft to the touch ( 3235 ) and the fresh warm taste of morning milk ( 3236 ) .
3 We took up the coathanger as our symbol — one of the grim tools women used to induce their own abortions before the operation was legalized — and we vowed that no more women should die , become maimed or made permanently sterile as a result of trying to get an abortion .
4 Other residents are reassured or made more anxious by the degree of care surrounding the deaths in the home .
5 These problems can be hereditary and there is no doubt that they can be triggered or made considerably worse by stress .
6 Hypnotherapy is also useful , except with those susceptible to depression , since this can be brought on or made much worse by hypnosis .
7 The contrary view is that , in the light of the single market , it is important that all companies have equal opportunities to expand or restructure as much by way of acquisition as by organic growth .
8 The stiff rein indicates that the horse is not carrying or pushing as much with that inside hind leg and so it is easier for him to shy ( and so stop going forward ) , if he is not working as well in the first instance .
9 If they allow themselves to continually think catastrophic thoughts , or focus too much on the symptoms themselves , or race up and down , or hyperventilate , the plateau time will last much longer .
10 Will they stand up to family wear and tear or look too sturdy for dinner parties ?
11 You can either stand on them , or look very stupid on the stage .
12 had to go to a breakdown , the poor bloke did n't know whether he was coming or going so one of these situations that stress stress arrives .
13 If you have a Pascal compiler you may wish to re-use , amend or string together various of the procedures within PITEST.PAS to produce your own routines e.g. you may wish to use the three options : create DC , update DC , and submit DC , to produce a routine enabling you to go through the whole create and submit procedure for DCs .
14 Do n't clench your fists tensely , or get so enthusiastic about what you are saying that you wave your arms about and knock over the wine .
15 Usually one teacher works with a class of children , teaching a particular subject in the case of secondary schools , or teaching virtually all of the curriculum in the case of primary schools .
16 The Arbitrators shall have power by their award to annul and/or amend the decision of the Disciplinary Committee or to do so subject to the performance of any conditions which they may think fit to impose .
17 However , human motivation is complex : people are not entirely driven by the desire for money or to do as little in the job as they can get away with .
18 We operated from fixed points with the vessels motoring or drifting as near to the centre of the basin as possible between Foyers and Urquhart Bay , normally scanning the beam over a sector of 120 o in the direction of travel at a tilt of 30 o to 40 o , to give an effective search to a depth of 160 m .
19 Statements about the state of the world , or some part of it , can be justified or established as true in a direct way by an unprejudiced observer 's use of his senses .
20 You can stay up late for a few nights to finish that urgent report without getting irritable or asking too much of the people you live with .
21 At home most were never up at this hour , and breakfast was either a meal only to be enjoyed at the weekend or eaten hastily prior to catching the bus to work .
22 Alternatively , if in exercise of their supervisory duty under s.9(1) the disposal authority form the opinion that modification of the licence conditions is necessary to ensure that the disposal operation does not cause pollution to water or danger to public health , or become seriously detrimental to the amenities of the locality then s.7(1) ( b ) imposes a further duty on them , i.e. the disposal authority SHALL serve a notice on the company modifying the conditions .
23 The regional office will also be pleased to put you in touch with your nearest members ' group if you would like to attend the meetings or become more involved in helping the RSPB .
24 II.C. ’ , and then look at the descendants of that category ; or go still higher to ‘ 2 .
25 A taboo is something you ca n't justify or explain , or rationalize as existing for the convenience of taxi drivers .
26 This will form a braid or plait very common in Aran knitting With a selection of these traditional braids and cables it would be very easy to produce a typical Aran sweater on your machine .
27 11.2.5 avoiding the use in any Trade Name or any Word or mark confusingly similar to any of the Trade Marks ,
28 No no one no one said a word about it seemed keen or do too keen on the Robin Hood line of which there were plenty .
29 The task is to define the ‘ god ’ and lay down the precepts whereby the corresponding religion can be disciplined and protected from the kind of exploitation for political or financial advantage which in the past has corrupted or destroyed so many of the world 's religious activities .
30 Had all four defendants committed the brutal crimes , or had just two of the brother perpetrated these heinous events , later to be joined by William who had done his best to abet them after the event ?
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