Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [noun prp] in the " in BNC.

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1 Each time they arrive at a pose , Colas somehow steals the expected kiss or holds Lise in the proper climax as Alain strikes what he believes to be the proper pose .
2 He announced that he wanted to make a biopic of North , with Mel Gibson or Treat Williams in the title role .
3 We believe it right that , as a member of the coalition that defeated Iraq in the Gulf war , the United Kingdom should stand ready to do what is necessary to guarantee the peace .
4 He us currently working on a book of pictures of cows and admires The Knights That Say Ni in The Holy Grail .
5 TAG creates a specific workshop programme for each production which offers pupils a platform for creative expression while investigating one man 's account of Scottish rural and town life and some of the issues that affected Scotland in the early part of the century .
6 Gaunt showed consistent loyalty to his father and , after 1377 , to his young nephew Richard II , but he lacked the charismatic authority of his father and eldest brother , and he was widely if unfairly blamed for the misfortunes that befell England in the last years of his father 's reign .
7 It was Mr Duggan 's vision that secured Eurovision in the first place for Millstreet , against the odds .
8 As she got into her car , she pushed away the worrying question of what she would do if she found evidence that implicated Veronica in the murder of Hugh Puddephat .
9 Only two of the side that walloped Maesteg in the SWALEC Cup last week have been included — full-back Paul Armstrong and wing Steve Ford .
10 It is this kind of attention to detail that keeps Wimpey in the forefront of the fight to reduce injury and damage accidents on construction sites . ’
11 The Basques went into fishing , navigation , and finally into iron ; the Caracas Company that developed Venezuela in the eighteenth century was a Basque concern , the Economic Societies were a Basque invention and it would seem that the Basques were the best-read Spaniards of the late eighteenth century .
12 It is reported by collectors of folk customs , like George Ewart Evans , as a joyful pagan procession that reached Britain in the eighth century , and was later Christianised and celebrated at Rogationtide , the fifth Sunday after Easter .
13 But it was better him thinking that , than finding Lee in the shed .
14 YOU have more chance of seeing Haley 's Comet than watching Bangor in the Irish Cup final .
15 Zimbabwe , achieving independence in the 1980s , faced leaner economic times than had Zambia in the 1960s .
16 Are there a lot of families that follow Walsall in the same way ?
17 Moszkowicz was a key figure in the consortium that rescued Middlesbrough in the 1986 liquidation crisis but resigned the following year after boardroom differences .
18 The train that leaves Inverness in the morning does not reach Wick till a late hour in the evening : the hotel folk know this , and are quite prepared to keep open house till after the arrival of the train .
19 He was working for an engineering firm and met Herbert in the course of business .
20 Sally left her bag in the cloakroom and met Edward in the balcony milk bar where he had a strawberry milk shake waiting for her .
21 Herbert went to work and visited Clara in the evenings .
22 Lily let herself in with her alarm key at six that evening and found Adam in the shower .
23 What if his Mum came back unexpectedly and found Lee in the house ?
24 One evening Seb entered the farmhouse at dusk and found Carrie in the kitchen .
25 A sample of youth in north Germany interviewed in the late 1950s still revealed significant traces of the ‘ Hitler myth ’ : he had done much good in abolishing unemployment , punishing sexual criminals , constructing the motorways , introducing cheap radio sets , establishing the Labour Service , and reinstating Germany in the esteem of the world .
26 The senior team won the Division One championship and beat Lisnagarvey in the NIBA Senior Cup final , while the ‘ B ’ team also won the Junior Cup title with a victory over Lisnagarvey .
27 The senior team won the Division One championship and beat Lisnagarvey in the NIBA Senior Cup final , while the ‘ B ’ team also won the Junior Cup title with a victory over Lisnagarvey .
28 The latter option is the more likely to produce a stable , peaceful and united Ireland in the long-term .
29 Graham said , leaning forward and looking Slater in the eye .
30 It ensures they finish top of their group and meet Glentoran in the Ulster Cup quarter-finals at Shamrock Park on Tuesday night .
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