Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [noun prp] by the " in BNC.

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1 Nutty nipped in and caught Jazz by the elbow .
2 As they turned a corner on the path , the clerk suddenly stopped and grasped Ranulf by the arm .
3 Harry put in , and seizing Sam by the upper arm , dragged him clear of Martha , who was beginning to enjoy being fought over .
4 Far from leaping from his chair and seizing Pearce by the throat , a curious fatigue seemed to have settled in his bones .
5 Nana 's rage struck like lightning ; now she shot from her chair and grabbed Martha by the arm , dragging her into the stuffy gloom of the bedroom .
6 He raced up to them and grabbed Harry by the arm .
7 Parting the heather , he reached down and grabbed Fergus by the hand .
8 He reached down and grabbed Twoflower by the scruff of his neck , dragging him across the saddle tree .
9 He was about to lead Sir John through the wicket gate to the priest 's house when a dark shape jumped from the shadows and grabbed Philomel by the bridle .
10 Cheryl ran into the airlock chamber and grabbed Piper by the throat , jerking the woman harshly to her feet .
11 Chen wanted to reach out and take Herrick by the throat and choke him to death , but first he had to get hold of the copy and get out with it .
12 Gallardo had pulled himself up from poverty by sheer force of personality , tapping the electricity lines that ran above the shanty town and reading Marx by the light .
13 Rising to his feet , Bob Lamb reached down and taking Martha by the hands , pulled her up .
14 " What I look like , " Slater said , coming forward and taking Graham by the elbow to continue walking , " is somebody who has discovered an old pair of RAF pilot 's boots at a market stall in Camden . "
15 The beam came to rest on the Ngo brothers , and after a moment 's hesitation Duclos bent down and seized Hoc by the arm .
16 Stewart strode over and seized Cameron by the front of his cloak .
17 She sprang up , knocking over her coffee-cup in the process , and clutched Robyn by the shoulders .
18 He scrambled over the fallen branch and saw Lee by the gate with the gun .
19 Zacco raised his hand from his sword and took Nicholas by the face in hard fingers .
20 He reached out and took Tabitha by the arm .
21 At that moment a policeman arrived and took Oliver by the collar .
22 He leaned down and took Piper by the shirtfront , hauling him upright then turning the man and running him backwards across the room .
23 Two men in white coats ran in and took Susan by the arms .
24 He was half man and half fish ; because he could live on both land and sea he was created Lord of the World and renamed Bel by the Sumerians .
25 Cranston grinned and gripped Athelstan by the wrist .
26 Peter put out a hand and gripped Sarella by the shoulder as she took an involuntary pace forward .
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