Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [pers pn] out in " in BNC.

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1 Britain 's top twenty girls fought or flowed it out in the championships over the weekend … the big prize for them this season is a place at the Olympics … only two girls can go … the competition is made up of four disciplines rope … hoop … ball and clubs …
2 When designing a fabric , for example , you would probably not complete the design and transfer it to the knitting machine or print it out in just one session .
3 Get the notes typewritten using a new ribbon , or copy them out in black felt tip pen in large capital letters .
4 If she was n't , he slipped into her mind , the memory of her response to him both torment and humiliation , and dislodging him once he entered her thoughts proved far more difficult than keeping him out in the first place .
5 But it must be equally obvious that during spells of prolonged rain the rabbits are much more likely to stay underground in the warmth and security of their burrow systems rather than braving it out in the open and being constantly soaked .
6 Growth may be a matter of momentum : the money comes in and it is better to invest it than pay it out in taxes .
7 Jane had decreed bowls rather than plates for the curry and spooned it out in the kitchen whence it was ferried by Christopher , Francis and Martine ( Jane 's mind darted back involuntarily to Puchero and gauchos in Argentina ) .
8 Insert needle again in the lower stitch and bring it out in the next stitch to the left ( Fig. 2 ) .
9 At the same time , you wanted to grab Connie Fraser , and send her out in the country with a medical man to say she could n't talk to the law .
10 She took one of my mother 's gingham breakfast napkins from a drawer and wrung it out in cold water .
11 He fitted on a plug and tried it out in his room , closing the curtains .
12 So then I began to be really pretty busy with running the office and then keeping my home , but I 'd got a husband who was very , very , handy and helped me out in the home you know .
13 Lili had already smoked three cigarettes and stubbed them out in her saucer , devil-may-care , and Mrs Monro had said nothing .
14 They put us back into a van and let us out in the street .
15 And writing it out in a half hour or hour lesson was almost impossible because it took too many sheets of paper .
16 What they do , I mean just play a game , it 's just a ga it 's a it 's a game , like sort of Simon says , try and catch them out in things , you 'll say right , now you 've got to point at a window , say , and then you have to point at , and you can get them all doing it , you
17 He lit a cheroot , opened the drawer of a walnut table , took out some plans and spread them out in front of me .
18 And at one time , we used to feed what we called , for the used to chaff some of the the poorest hay and straw and spread it out in a thick layer about oh twelve of fifteen inches high on the floor of the of the barn .
19 And when they fed these bullocks — when they had their breakfast they used to lay down ; and they 'd take 'em home and put 'em out in the yard and feed 'em just the same as these other bullocks with these owd skeps .
20 Mr Chan grabbed him and lifted him out in his arms .
21 He opened the pen and lifted it out in his arms .
22 In a trice , office machines can set the type and print it out in fine detail .
23 The last read her a lecture , told her he would not disoblige her father by employing her , and turned her out in the street like an errant daughter .
24 And get it out in there you see .
25 Gradually harden them off and set them out in late May or early June when nights are no longer frosty .
26 Then take back the cards and set them out in an apparently random fashion and challenge a person to play you at pairs .
27 I have left the dialogue unchanged but removed some of the author 's comments and set it out in sociological rather than novelistic conventions .
28 Nobody owned up so he ordered us all to fetch our kit downstairs and to spread it out in a line on the wet grass , while he went along inspecting our underpants and spare trousers .
29 Harvest onions and lay them out in a dry , sunny spot where then can finish ripening before being stored
30 Murray reached for the mop but Richard pulled it away and squeezed it out in the bucket as he had seen the maids do .
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