Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [noun pl] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 You can at any time , if you have the security level , add a field to a form or delete fields from a form .
2 Its 12-member Monetary Policy Committee ( MPC ) , modelled on the Federal Reserve 's Open Market Committee , will be a ‘ sanctuary ’ at the heart of the bank , he says , forbidden — along with other senior bank officials — from seeking or accepting instructions from the government or any other body .
3 The House had radically amended the bill in April 1990 by lifting almost all restrictions on off-duty political activity , but the version passed in the Senate — by 67 votes to 30 on May 10 — retained prohibitions against running for partisan political office or soliciting funds from the public .
4 On the card , how often have you used or received items from the main counter during the last year , choosing from fifteen ?
5 An entry can be made by any part of the accused 's body or by an instrument held by the accused to intimidate someone in the building or to remove goods from the building .
6 The manager , though not the supervisor , should normally be in attendance throughout the time when the office is open to the public or to telephone calls from the public .
7 or take tithes from the estate trees .
8 In the first round on Nov. 20 Thatcher received 204 votes against 152 for Heseltine , with 16 abstentions or spoiled papers from the 372 Conservative MPs now forming the electoral college .
9 The dues exacted for unlawed dogs and for cheminage were defined and limited , and the foresters were forbidden henceforth to make scotale or to exact contributions from the forest inhabitants .
10 Cut out crowded or crossing branches from the bush centre , and cut back side shoots to two buds from their base .
11 This ancient Chinese process is a fish preserving method comparable to smoking , and is just one of the techniques that catering students from the Norwich Hotel School will soon be taught .
12 ( 7 ) There are special provisions which apply to tenders on the London Stock Exchange ( reg C7 of the Stock Exchange Regulations ) , ie the London Stock Exchange normally only permits " maximum price " tenders , all acceptances must be channelled through Stock Exchange Member Firms rather than direct applications from the public , the offer must be kept open for a minimum of eight days , and the London Stock Exchange imposes detailed procedural and content requirements .
13 Although oxygen is a good oxidising agent ( atom or molecule that accepts electrons from the molecule it oxidises ) , restrictions on the direction of spin of the electrons it accepts means that it usually accepts these one at a time as shown in the following equations :
14 An important element in Islamic belief is that anything that happens proceeds from the divine will .
15 This seemed to me , and still seems to me , more satisfactory than writing books from an Oxford chair . ’
16 In most cases tropical waterlilies are purchased from specialist nurseries that remove plants from the tuber in early summer , but on occasions it is possible to obtain tubers that have just started to come into growth earlier in the year .
17 ‘ Economic inclusion ’ involves the notion that income inequalities that exclude individuals from the mainstream of society are to be avoided .
18 Interestingly enough I also heard recently that takes patients from a private hospital , the , because they can give far better treatment than the private sector .
19 Strong , bold , and vibrant there 's a new confidence with colour that reflects influences from the Mediterranean
20 Zak had got round the pre-empted Pierre-hitting-Raoul-to-the-ground routine by having Donna slap Raoul 's face instead , which she did with a gusto that brought gasps from the audience .
21 Alan Bleasdale , you know that fella that did Boys from the Black Stuff
23 The second generalization , that kasabat kadis did not normally , after the beginning of the sixteenth century , make the jump to the mevleviyets needs only the qualification that " normally " must be emphasized , since exceptions do occur , though rather less frequently than do exceptions from the first generalization .
24 Significantly more miners had had previous gastric surgery for benign disease , and significantly more miners smoked than did men from the general population .
25 ‘ In the end it 's the muscles that take orders from the brain if they 're to work .
26 Plasmids expressing N-terminal deletions of RAP74 were constructed by inserting restriction fragments from HindIII , FspI or StuI sites to the BamHI site that encodes polypeptides from the 73rd , 205th and 356th amino acid to the C-terminal end , respectively , into the NdeI and BamHI sites of pET15b .
27 Joyce and her mother would wash , unpick , iron and re-cut articles from the poor box , making them into garments which their original owners would have been hard pressed to recognise .
28 The gathering was suddenly brought to an end as a cluster of mortar bombs exploded on the village green shattering the windows of the café and dislodging bottles from the shelves .
29 The RedWood effort involves integrating tape subassemblies from the Panasonic arm of Matsushita with the transport and host attachments from the StorageTek tape library .
30 Affronted , Grunte urged the driver onwards , and determined there and then to abandon any idea of making a formal speech and to encourage questions from the girls instead .
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