Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [prep] [pron] to " in BNC.

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1 Third , the motorist did NOT ( contrry to The Scotsman 's report ) spend any time looking for a parking space or walking from it to his destination .
2 First of all there is a phase of population increase , where mortality is low and adult body size is up to 50 per cent larger than normal ; the resulting high density promotes dispersal , shortens the breeding season , and delays sexual maturity in juveniles ; and this is followed by a phase of decline , which may be rapid or spaced over one to two years , and during which mortality is high and adult size decreases .
3 It needed only one irascible minister to take umbrage at some fancied slight or misdemeanour for there to be trouble .
4 And I would rush to the window and look down and see you turning the corner to cross the square below , or walk round it to the hotel door .
5 Sheriff Michael Munro imposed bail conditions forbidding Cowans from going within half a mile of the Timex factory at Harrison Road and preventing him from approaching anyone known or believed by him to be member of the new Timex workforce .
6 In most cases the landlord is also the commission agent who purchases produce wholesale and either auctions it in the local market or arranges for it to be boxed and exported to Amman , an operation which requires friendly relations with the authorities in Amman .
7 The company should organise to pick it up or pay for it to be returned to them .
8 The level of attention which a special needs child might merit and deserve may not be possible — or the programme which the rest of the class follow may have to be skewed or truncated or adapted for them to be integrated .
9 Horses ' emotions can rapidly escalate or change from one to another .
10 This was carried out in two centres on an outpatient basis using local anaesthesia and intravenous sedation where indicated at one to four weekly intervals until obliteration of all varices had been achieved .
11 He could n't believe that those nobs in the West End were willing to pay good money for things that seemed to him to be nothing more than unnecessary luxuries .
12 All that seemed to her to be like a man writing , a foreigner to Italy , advising other foreigners , a teacher displaying his wisdom to likely pupils .
13 So that seemed to me to be all right . ’
14 Thick make-up does little to dim the pink , fiery stars that seem to me to be as large as suns .
15 They concede that municipal monopoly of schooling has let down generations but they come back with ideas that seem to me to be sensible and subtle but also politically popular .
16 Well , she tells me that she is going to throw Shaun out because Shaun is boring , er , Don put her , Shaun she has no respect for she says because he has n't got a job , he wo n't get a job , he wo n't work , and she said to Lee what did I think of the idea of taking Pete back , once they were properly divorced take Pete back just as a lover and I said that sounds to me to be a very good idea , I said then your not at his mercy because anybody who 's at Pete 's mercy will suffer , his got a very nasty streak , his got a nasty snide way of putting things .
17 I am impatient and intolerant of much that seems to me to be merely negative , if not actually destructive , legislation . ’
18 One event that seems to me to be very important is Vatican Two .
19 She felt that it was n't children 's job or children 's responsibility to look after the world , it was our job , and that it was not fair to make children feel responsible for doing that erm I mean that seems to me to be a legitimate viewpoint and erm but it 's one of many and I mean other people may feel that in order to save the planet , or indeed prevent wars in the future , it is important to expose children to the dangers of , you know , the current situation .
20 The United States ' Constitution includes the clause ( in the Tenth Amendment ) that ‘ The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution , nor prohibited by it to the States , are reserved to the States respectively , or to the people ’ .
21 I looked at Lily She seemed to me to be perceptibly hurt ; and just as another wild idea was beginning to run through my mind , that she really was an amnesiac , some beautiful amnesiac he had , somehow , literally and metaphorically laid his hands on , she gave me what was beyond any doubt a contemporary look , a look out of role — a quick , questioning glance that flicked from me to Conchis 's averted head and back again .
22 The Board of Inland Revenue had the power to serve a notice on any body corporate , requiring particulars that appeared to them to be relevant to a transaction to which s 485 might apply .
23 He directed me to a main road on the edge of Jaffa and to a small lane that ran off it to the north .
24 The four circles are not presented as dealing with quite separate topics , such that to move from one to another would be in any sense a change of subject , but rather as four equally fundamental and interlocking dimensions of the same ground-motif that runs throughout : that Jesus Christ is the actualisation and realisation in time and history of God 's eternal decision to be God for and with man ; he is himself the everlasting covenant of God with us , and in that covenant the meaning and purpose of the created universe itself is contained ; and in him too lies the uncovering and overcoming of man 's estrangement from God by the divine ‘ No ! ’ of the cross which leads on to the ‘ Yes ! ’ of the resurrection .
25 Marjorie left Lizzie 's body at the vet 's and arranged for her to be cremated .
26 According to legend , Dame Janet decided that these ducks would be much happier in St James 's Park and arranged for them to be escorted thence .
27 Three years later , he emigrated with his parents to Israel , yet became a frequent commuter to the major musical centres of Europe , where he caught the eye of such musical heavyweights as Edwin Fischer , Wilhelm Furtwangler and ( most especially ) Arthur Rubinstein , who took an immense interest in the young pianist and arranged for him to be represented by his agent , the legendary Sol Hurok .
28 He telephoned the Forensic Science Laboratory and arranged for someone to be sent down .
29 She seemed uncertain of her English , and asked for everything to be repeated .
30 His mother , unable to find the strength to battle against him , wrote to the school and asked for him to be excused .
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