Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [prep] a time " in BNC.

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1 For ‘ Paris ’ add Prague , London , Venice , anywhere beautiful and foreign and not of the everyday , and for ‘ young man ’ insert ‘ or middle aged woman ’ and for ‘ lived ’ and ‘ or visited at a time in your life when you most needed it . ’
2 However , where the goods have been destroyed or stolen at a time when they were at the buyer 's risk ( see paragraph 3–36 ) , then of course he is under a duty to pay , even though delivery is impossible .
3 In the long term , tenants who have had their benefit reduced or removed at a time of rising rents are having more difficulty in paying .
4 In September 1953 Curran became the BBC 's first internally selected administrative trainee , visiting or working for a time in different departments of the BBC in and out of London and assisting in the preparation of the BBC 's first personnel manual .
5 It was invented by the Joseph-Robinson corporation , a particularly unscrupulous food company that operated for a time amongst the outer colonies of the planet Earth . ’
6 Pope Clement , however , was not inclined to agree and that occurred at a time when the people of England were annoyed at the imposition of heavy taxation by the Cardinal Morton , also Cardinal Wolsey .
7 The events associated with the prisoners ' rights movement that flourished for a time in the late 1960s and early 1970s in parts of the United States , Scandinavia and Britain had by the early 1980s largely disappeared without trace .
8 The conventional wisdom of the decade-obsessed art world sees the Basquiat show as a referendum on the 1980s , placing an artist who had been catapulted into stardom by that era 's hype under the closer scrutiny that comes in a time of greater austerity .
9 They are kindly , educated people many of whom have spent their lives helping others and to whom fate has dealt a cruel , unexpected blow , leaving them bereaved and frightened at a time of approaching frailty .
10 After a time teaching in a Scottish school , Fettes , the degree got him a fellowship in mathematics at his own college of Magdalene ; where he remained the rest of his long life — teaching mathematics , holding various college offices , going every week to Emmanuel Congregational chapel , and becoming after a time one of its deacons or church officers .
11 In the adventure of everyday life , on the other hand , the characters are affected by the events ( however fantastic ) that befall them , and the progression of changes fixes the order of events , giving a materiality to space as the scene of transformation and metamorphosis : ‘ Space becomes concrete and saturated with a time that is more substantial . ’
12 For instance , it must be at an undervalue and made at a time when the company was unable to pay its debts , the company must be in the course of being wound up in England or subject to an administration order , and so on .
13 Both Dalton and Alexander , the First Lord of the Admiralty , argued at meetings of the committee that Germany should be deprived of war-making industries , though not to the extent of the ‘ pastoralisation ’ proposed by Henry Morgenthau , the US Secretary of the Treasury , and accepted for a time by Churchill and Roosevelt at their meeting at Quebec in September 1944 .
14 There are other places she could go to , of course , but so many of them would be clubs in which she would be expected to communicate and contribute at a time when all she wants is occasionally simply to be ‘ with ’ people and to be able to depart when she wishes without giving offence or disturbing the gathering .
15 I pull up and watch for a time but typically the bird does not re-appear .
16 Deep modulation at frequencies -I " is clearly only possible if " , so we still require a " bad cavity " , and we may note that the spectral holes form and refill on a time scale which thus plays an important role in the phenomenon : it has been claimed { 20 } that " population pulsations ' are the primary source of the instability .
17 After all , if you had been hanged , drawn and quartered at a time when such deaths were not uncommon , you would not really want to feel either the physical pain or indeed the terror which must have accompanied it !
18 Emma , committed to the cause of her son Harthacnut in the succession dispute of 1035 – 40 , and exiled for a time to Flanders as a result , seemingly wished to forget her previous marriage to Æthelred .
19 While moral suasion had been favoured in the War ( in preference to rationing ) as a means of restricting domestic demand , and had for a time been partially successful , as peace returned it lost much of its impact .
20 He read some of the German books , soothed by her solicitude and fancying for a time that he really was being impregnated with ideas about the Wall .
21 She had to sell her farm and work for a time in a department store .
22 The couple returned to the Howard estate at Cardington in Bedfordshire at first but moved for a time to Lymington on the Hampshire coast later , for the sake of her health .
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