Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [conj] [pron] do " in BNC.

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1 The third : the targets are met or exceeded but one does not see the results in the shops .
2 ( 2 ) The buyer may attempt to induce shareholders to accept the tender offer ( and not " wait and see " ) by expressly stating or implying that he does not intend to make a full bid .
3 Negative statements such as ‘ I do n't know how you can work with them ’ or ‘ they do n't belong here — this is a college ’ , which were once like a red rag to a bull to me , no longer insult or injure as they did .
4 Men can ring the changes by wearing a different shirt or tie if they do n't want to invest in more than one suit .
5 It can be snorted'' or injected but it does not vaporise easily and is not suitable for inhaling or smoking .
6 He had already noted in her favour that she did not avoid looking him full in the face as many did ; nor did she flinch or stare when she did .
7 And he did n't take any notice of what she was asking or saying and he did n't take any notice of her at all .
8 Or thought that he did .
9 However you look at it , horses are extremely expensive to keep and even the initial outlay of buying the animal pales into insignificance when you start to add up feed , shoeing and vets ' bills , insurance , tack , transport and livery or rent if you do n't own your own facilities — the list seems endless .
10 For any sort of forward prospecting , or monitoring that you do , the backs of the calendar cards are absolutely invaluable .
11 " There is no mention of sanctions against companies , or fines if they do not fulfil the objectives , or of incentives … for them to make adjustments " he said .
12 The next time you start your machine it will still show the lag or lead that it did before you tried to correct it .
13 Despite the fact that homoeopathy has now been around for close on two hundred years , very little research has been carried out either to attempt to understand how it works , or to prove that it does work .
14 I ca n't play a musical instrument or sing but I do love music .
15 On returning to the box and resuming his duties , he was more puzzled than frightened for he did not believe in ghosts .
16 In the nineteenth century this all changed because opiates became much more widely and cheaply available so er babies were dosed with paregoric to stop them crying erm er and subsequently in the twentieth century that stopped and we do other things now .
17 ‘ I 'm very disappointed not to be doing the film , ’ Crawford added , ‘ but I would rather that people remember enjoying my performance in the play than say that I did n't quite pull it off in the film . ’
18 Only today I received a document from the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals that shows that it does not understand .
19 The five leading members of the party at the centre of the controversy , Pearnel Charles , Errol Anderson , Karl Samuda , Edmund Bartlett and Douglas Vaz , although stating that they did not want to unseat Seaga , refused to give a public statement of unconditional loyalty to him .
20 But it 's lasted about seven year , so you never can organ but once we did start I did enjoy the ones over here because over there when your kids were small you did n't go out much anyway but now that your kids are up you 've got it , and personally I enjoyed the ones that started but they do n't have Christmas dance , barn dances and things like this , they do n't org we have to have to organize like that ourself .
21 He got into a good crowd , people that thought like he did .
22 She says that it 's more comfortable and she can sit up in it , rather than slumping as she did in her old one .
23 do n't think that 's , that means that I do n't think .
24 It was only the events afterwards that proved that it did n't work , but they were n't clear at this time
25 Even in notation , the differences in musical language between orally transmitted ‘ folk ’ song , printed bourgeois song and recorded rock song come through : they hardly need comment , except to say that they do fit many of the stereotypes of the neo-McLuhanite model ( see Ex. 3.1 ) .
26 But I , I have a need , I had a need , cos , and he fills that need cos I did n't have a parents , and fills my need .
27 rather than say if it does n't arrive at a set time
28 Jesus clearly accepted others , rather than rejecting as we do .
29 She wondered if eating when you did n't feel hungry was brave .
30 Enough plain maybe he just tries it on and thinks if you do n't say anything he 'll get away with it ?
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