Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [adv] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The result is an intarsia chart that needs only be joined for the vertical sections .
2 This is not a new disclosure , but Summers has uncovered more evidence that has previously be revealed for Hoover 's long relationship with his sidekick Clyde Tolson , and has also unearthed stories of orgies and transvestism .
3 How can anything that happens here be called peculiar ? ’
4 Never mind the crater in the window , never mind the tyres with several thousand miles scraped off their lives , never mind some brand new little glitch that had better be sorted out a.s.a.p. in the cab 's suspension .
5 Police say Tyrone Evans is extremely dangerous and shgould not be approached by the public .
6 People should love God and " bisily seken and travailen how be reformed to his liknes or passed hennus " ( 14.77r. – 216 ) .
7 And do n't be fooled into thinking power can only play a secondary role in a car 's handling ; to an HPC it 's everything .
8 Look at the outside and do n't be fooled by appearances .
9 And do n't be rushed .
10 And do n't be afeared .
11 Take cash and valuables with you at all times ; never leave your motorhome unlocked ; stick to main roads , and do n't be tempted to go exploring down minor ones .
12 Mincemeat often contains raw animal suet , so always store any uncooked mincemeat in the fridge and do n't be tempted to taste it before cooking .
13 If you are , I hope you 'll do as I did and be careful with yourself and do n't be tempted to take risks .
14 When the first meeting happens someone needs to explain to the people there ( and do n't be discouraged if there are fewer that you 'd hoped for ) what the Christian group is all about and why it 's important to have a group in school .
15 While it is the responsibility of your seller-client to prepare the plan where necessary ( and do n't be persuaded to take on this heavy responsibility in your client 's stead ) you should , as the conveyancer , scrutinise what is handed to you with a critical eye coupled with your knowledge of the title and the property .
16 Be vigilant , and do n't be taken in .
17 Think through your decision carefully before going to be tested and do n't be pressurised into having a test unless you have had enough time to decide whether it is the best thing for you .
18 So be prepared for that , be prepared that the person you 're going to talk to is not gon na give you that usual to and fro feedback and do n't be thrown by that .
19 Keep calm and do n't be offended .
20 And do n't be hurt , Anne .
21 Adesangé , god of the volcano , was the lord of Sycorax 's rites , and Ariel , even in her mutism , was startled by the fervour of the woman who had once been so sceptical of others ' belief in her powers , who used to insist that all mysteries lay in the processes of nature and need only be observed and analysed and understood .
22 This field is optional and need only be specified if there are any FOREIGN modules to be entered .
23 Some documents speak for themselves and need only be handed into the court by or on behalf of the party adducing them .
24 But do not be dazzled by the free pens , badges , money boxes and radios .
25 But do not be dazzled by the free pens , badges , money boxes and radios .
26 But do not be dazzled by the free pens , badges , money boxes and radios .
27 Mix a sufficient quantity to make the effort worthwhile , but do not be tempted to mix a vast quantity each time as it will be difficult to get the mix of even consistency .
28 The road to them is ( or was , in 1985 ) marked on the Michelin map with the forbidding broken red line , but do not be put off ; here Michelin 's mapmakers are exaggerating , it is not too bad at all , narrow but perfectly secure .
29 The learning process for Composers Pen is quite a lengthy one , partly because of the complex ground that it covers , but do not be put off by this as the effort expended will be more than worth it in the end .
30 But do not be downhearted if your story is not taken up , or indeed ousted at the last moment because a major story comes up : your campaign will not suffer in the long run .
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