Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [adv] with their " in BNC.

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1 The terrified inhabitants are either burned or led away with their hands tied to be held for ransom .
2 Or walking around with their clo without their clothes on or putting toast in the kettle .
3 This is the time when most parents retire to a comfortable chair or get on with their other jobs .
4 The therapist 's task is to be sensitive to these differences and work with the parents to devise strategies of change that fit in with their cultural viewpoint .
5 That would only have been necessary had the troops been requisitioning other people 's equipment , rather than turning out with their own ambulances .
6 As though this were not enough , a gang of Ugandan footpads then raided the homes of the newly-arrived British police training mission and made off with their video machines — plus their training tapes for the local police on how to prevent burglaries .
7 A new edition of the JCT Prime Cost Contract was published and the Tribunal continued to keep under review the Standard Forms of Contract and Sub-Contract together with their ancillary documents , issuing amendments , variants and re-editions .
8 The poachers had already been and got away with their spoils ; or when they heard the shots , they made off .
9 If anyone caught her curious eye , they just smiled politely back and got on with their business .
10 At Johannesburg Central Station , Africans used separate entrances and exits together with their own small concourse and facilities .
11 I told my story with the help of Joy and Alan , who arrived for coffee and contributed greatly with their humanity , humour and charm .
12 It may happen when parents have indoctrinated their children , that is , laid down a set of beliefs without allowing the children freedom to think for themselves and to come up with their own reactions .
13 They drop off a van load of specials in an area and walk round with their helmets on
14 For these reasons , people buy food and drink , pay rent or buy a house , purchase insurance , and meet up with their friends in clubs , pubs , churches , professional institutions and so on .
15 But this could not be done without noise , especially the last , and hearing it the defenders lit first torches and then large beacons along the walls and opened up with their guns .
16 The hoof sounds came nearer , irregular now as the two horses galloped together , rearing their heads and kicking out with their hind legs .
17 Both cylinders have been bored and machined together with their valve chests , ready for fixing , and the cylinder covers are waiting to be machined .
18 It would have been a shame if one mistake had cost the match and although the Cup remains on this side of the Atlantic the Americans must be pleased to have stopped their losing run and to fly home with their honour intact .
19 Kittens sometimes take badly to this over-zealous embrace and strike out with their sharp claws .
20 The masons smiled at his fancy and went on with their work .
21 British deaf men and women were spared much of this horror , and went on with their lives , but they were having a grim time of it too .
22 Organisers say they hope to teach youngsters and their families how to survive the abuse and carry on with their lives .
23 Using a mixture of conventional and special toys , they 'll encourage children to express their anger and emotion ; hopefully learning how to heal the scars and carry on with their lives .
24 Well as I say , I think three people would make a better of it and come back with their recommendations . .
25 They simply rebuilt the fallen walls , and carried on with their normal efficient and highly organized lives ; they did not associate the earthquake with Vesuvius , and there was no particular reason why they should .
26 Next thing we knew , they 'd pushed past us , blagged a cup of tea ( three sugars ) and sat down with their dirty hobnail trainers on the shag-pile .
27 Eventually , as the lunchtime crowds subsided officewards and the pub was left to a few loud tourists , they found a quiet corner and sat down with their drinks .
28 He learnt that he could make love and come both in haste and with impressive slowness , for five minutes or for three hours , without asking either for more or for less time from his partner but fitting in with their timing .
29 Pressing the mouth to it , they start to suck or chew it rhythmically while treading alternately with their front feet .
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