Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [adv] [pos pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Frederick insisted that Polish nobles must either live on their estates in Prussia or sell up their holdings , and to this end he allocated state funds to purchase any Polish lands that came available .
2 British Airways warned that it will have to either close or sell off its UK regional business if its cabin crews continue to strike over pay cuts .
3 After four years of service they could return home for a holiday with the family or bring out their wives and children , providing they had found accommodation for them .
4 Faced with the choice of reinventing itself or hanging up its boots , 88open , the supporters club for Motorola Inc 88000 RISC vendors , is said to be finalising a plan to offer its conformance testing expertise to the industry at large , via a separate organisation that will develop and implement test suites for suppliers of other RISC architectures and consortia like PowerOpen or Sparc International it sees as potential customers .
5 Faced with the choice of reinventing itself or hanging up its boots , 88open , the supporters club for Motorola Inc 88000 RISC vendors , is reportedly finalising a plan to offer up its conformance testing expertise to the industry at large , via a separate organisation that will develop and port test suites for suppliers of other RISC architectures and consortia like PowerOpen or Sparc International it sees as potential customers .
6 I have no desire to stop your evil trade in whatever you sell , buy and plot , or to search out your secrets , though one day perhaps I will . ’
7 We should assess the current and future requirements for GIS within RBGE , to determine whether or not it would be cost-effective to acquire our own expertise and hardware in-house , or contract out our GIS work .
8 By making written work ( of all kinds — including Maths , Science and Artwork for example ) a part of their drama we provide a sort of safety net , a " No Penalty Zone " in which they can pretend to be someone other than themselves writing their letter , wording their advertisement or drawing up their menu
9 ‘ But I do feel strongly that John Major can take loyalty too far and his friends may prove to be a millstone or albatross around his neck . ’
10 And learn a trick or ten for coping with t'others — or keeping out their way .
11 Anyway , there are numerous easier ways for her to show her independence at this stage , such as walking , feeding or emptying out her toy box .
12 It is likely to be up to 10 years before the banks would be able either to sell their stake on the local stock market or to pass on their holdings to other investors .
13 Outside AW 's erm , specialists books er , er , markets er , book sales have been almost universally slow there were very high returns as book sellers everywhere reacted to reduced er , demand by replacing or winding down their stock .
14 They are most frequent in the morning and at night ; in the bedroom , at the dinner table ; with me ; when I try to dress her , get her to eat up her meal , or put away her toys .
15 Today 's issue is perhaps a landmark of sorts , the 400th issue of Unigram.X to roll off the presses ( or to scroll up your screen for electronic subscribers ) .
16 ( A stoa was a long , colonnaded building which contained shops and offices and enabled people to shop or carry out their business in privacy and protected from rain or hot sun ) .
17 There are seawater pools with hydromassage beds and thalassotherapy , and physiotherapists are on hand to check your health or ease away your aches and pains .
18 I come in and put the bedside light on , and he lies there with his eyes half-open , conscious but immobilized , as if he were under some strange paralysing drug , unable to tell me what the trouble was , unable to nod or smile or shake off his dream .
19 So whether your students are studying for exams or brushing up their English for professional reasons , this dictionary will deliver the answers — often before the question has even been asked !
20 Because neither has examined or thought out their views , or the reasons why they hold them , there is serious misunderstanding when attitudes and behaviour clash .
21 At best , it treats these categories independently , situating psychological subjects in one or the other , or adding up their deviancies .
22 He had , in fact , had a very pleasant breakfast with his father , eating a third bowl of cornflakes and toast , without for one moment feeling uncomfortable or wondering why his father should be so gently considerate and butter his toast for him .
23 The pressures of racism have led to black people using dangerous skin bleaches , and having plastic surgery to change their features ; and to black children playing at miming peeling off their skin or pulling out their hair , in ‘ what I like/do n't like about myself games .
24 Luke Calder 's presence at the station was a fact of life , and she had to learn how to handle it or give up her job , and pride would never allow her to do that and let him know he had won .
25 Or screwed up his kids like we were screwed up .
26 Do we take up Finnan 's offer , or wear down our horses ’ hoofs further ? ’
27 Emily sighed heavily , no more would she sit beneath those trees reading or idling away her days so carelessly as she had done , was it only a few short weeks ago ?
28 It was a familiar sight to see her running up and down the side line refereeing , or getting out her bike to cycle out to the reserve to organise Guides .
29 To be " true to our Prince " , he insisted , " we must be true to our Church and to our Religion " , for " it would be no Act of Loyalty to accommodate or complement away our Religion and its legal Securities " .
30 What your arms are doing — are they still , waving about or propping up your chin ?
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