Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [conj] i did " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm very disappointed not to be doing the film , ’ Crawford added , ‘ but I would rather that people remember enjoying my performance in the play than say that I did n't quite pull it off in the film . ’
2 But I , I have a need , I had a need , cos , and he fills that need cos I did n't have a parents , and fills my need .
3 I have always used a magnetic board and marker to follow the chart and found that I did n't even have to look away from it whilst punching , thus speeding up the whole process considerably .
4 ‘ I would have probably lost every point , swinged and missed if I did n't have them . ’
5 ‘ Please try and remember that I did n't create the situation you 're in but I do have more experience of it than you do .
6 It did n't help that I had to call my father ‘ uncle ’ and Eric and Paul ‘ cousins ’ ; this was my father 's idea of trying to fool the policeman about my parentage in case Diggs did any asking around and discovered that I did n't exist officially .
7 I was so bruised and exhausted that I did not feel strong enough to walk home , and although I did not want to , I had to spend the night at Wuthering Heights .
8 Anybody that could read Dispatches and believe that I did n't suffer anything , I do n't know what they 're reading .
9 I do not at this precise moment , therefore , feel quite as wretched as I did this morning after using the public telephone or as bewildered and terrorized as I did this afternoon while sitting half-frozen on the trembling suspension bridge across the sleazy Thames .
10 I found the format patronising and alienating , and felt that I did not belong .
11 They were changing their shape and form as I did so , and some , the McEnroes of the plot , were becoming very ugly indeed in their behaviour .
12 ‘ But one thing I do n't want to happen as time goes by is to sit down and say that I did n't do as well as I might have done in another tournament because I did n't put in enough effort .
13 I began by squeezing colour into a small ceramic well palette but found that I did not have enough colour for what I wanted to do .
14 Now I am 74 and think that i understand it but wish that I did not .
15 Even so , if you consider the pressures contingent on me that night , you may not think I delude myself unduly if I go so far as to suggest that I did perhaps display , in the face of everything , at least in some modest degree a ‘ dignity ’ worthy of someone like Mr Marshall — or come to that , my father .
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