Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [prep] the last " in BNC.

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1 Erm , what we have tried to do at , there are You 've probably seen or heard in the last five or six years , the influence of Japanese technology .
2 The vendor will be required to warrant that no industrial action has been taken or threatened in the last few years .
3 You can also use your Card to call up the balance , print-out or order a statement , or look at the last few transactions on your account at one or more of the new AutoBanking machines we are installing up and down the country to help you .
4 In some cemeteries an annual or regular service is held to which all the families and friends of people who have been buried or cremated in the last year are invited .
5 The cubs , all between three and seven weeks old , have been found orphaned or abandoned over the last few weeks .
6 A more intensively studied pathway is that leading from the cerci or paraprocts through the last abdominal ganglion up ascending giant axons in the ventral nerve cord .
7 It was also a triumph over the devil , who was thought to be particularly active at death-beds , either gloating over the sinner who was about to fall into his clutches , or trying at the last moment to snatch a soul in the throes of fear or doubt .
8 For a start , the figures exclude transactions that occurred on the last two business days of the month — the very time when pressure on the pound was thought to be most intense .
9 This was anticipated that there would be some add-on to the report that came to the last committee .
10 The whole great crime story wave that began in the last years of the nineteenth century and rose to its towering peak in the 1920s and 1930s began with the short story .
11 Latterly flying as the flagship of Australian TV comedian Norman Gunston , the aircraft had been a familiar sight at Bankstown and , although grounded for the last ten years , had remained substantially complete .
12 The return of Tony Hanson to the team that lost in the last five seconds at Broxbourne could be the inspiration , but with Doncaster playing second placed Oldham and Plymouth at fourth placed Brixton , the two teams above them could well lose ground .
13 The stockmarket rally that started in the last quarter of 1992 pushed up the composite share index from a low point of 459 on August 21st to 678 at the end of the year , up 11% from 12 months earlier .
14 His chances of defending a frail total of 226 slipped away with the steady rain that fell for the last two hours .
15 Some of the water in these aquifers comes from recharge in wetter areas nearby , but much of it is ‘ fossil water ’ , rain that fell in the last Ice Age .
16 The wedding bells that sounded on the last page of so many ‘ romantic ’ novels of the last century are still sounding in certain genres but in the adventure story they seldom sound at all .
17 Tara 's also read the , the promise that comes in the last of that section .
18 Words that have in the last fifteen years or so , become synonymous with the name of Hood Yacht Systems .
19 Although , at 12% , the proportion of Catholics employed is still out of step with the Northern Ireland population , Short 's points out that it has more than doubled over the last 10 years , while the proportion of Catholic apprentices taken on has trebled to 20% .
20 The number of babies born to single women over 40 has more than doubled over the last 10 years with the North West top of the older mums ' baby league table .
21 The number of babies born to single women over 40 has more than doubled over the last 10 years , with the North West top of the older mums ' baby league table .
22 The number of crimes which result in charges before a court has more than doubled in the last 10 years .
23 THE use of cheques and payment cards has more than doubled in the last 13 years .
24 Cases of malignant melanoma have more than doubled in the last 10 years in countries with a fair-skinned population .
25 Shares in News Corp and its UK arm News International have enjoyed a dramatic recovery and more than doubled in the last year .
26 Meanwhile , house prices and rents were reported to have more than doubled in the last 12 months .
27 O D A funding of British N G O activities has more than doubled in the last three years .
28 The number of Darlington firms going bust has more than doubled in the last two years . ’
29 It is not surprising , therefore , that recent Marxist explanations of power in capitalist society have tried to explain the more pluralistic modern forms of representation and policy-making in terms , not of some devious desire by the ruling class and their friends but as a limited freedom for actors and forces opposed to capitalism , which is constrained and limited in the last instance by the economic structure of the capitalist mode of production and its ideological hegemony .
30 ‘ Just talk to them , find out what they 've seen and heard over the last couple of weeks , ’ the DI said .
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