Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [pron] [is] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Just because that person is not sitting here beside you does not mean they can not hear your words or understand what is in your heart .
2 But whether they 've been opened or closed it 's like a white elephant , I mean lovely place , look .
3 No she is n't here , as far as I know or care she 's in the West Indies .
4 ( 1 ) If seeing something is like eating it with the eye , so that it gives us sensations in our eyes as eating manna gives us ‘ sensations of sickness , and sometimes of acute pains or gripings ’ in our stomachs , then what physically enters the eye comes to have an importance not only for understanding the physical mechanism of visual perception , but also for understand the concept of visual perception .
5 I 'll try to spare you that , but I guess it 's about time I came clean and admitted it 's by no means a one-man show .
6 But then again , the councils should be doing their job and checking everything is in order . ’
7 Cleaving and becoming one is to be in every area of our being — spiritual , psychological/emotional and physical .
8 They 're gunned up and fired up and told it 's for real .
9 " If living there is worth it to you . "
10 Says Bob , ‘ It 's amazing how much co-operation and support there is between these growers . ’
11 The company produced 29,224 ounces of gold at an average grade of between 2.5 and 2.8 grammes per tonne , and says it is on course to mine 70,000 ounces during the whole of 1989 .
12 Alliant Computer Systems Corp , Littleton , Massachusetts is liquidating , and says it is in talks to sell parts of its technology and its service business to a third party .
13 It 's about Sam and then how he comes and arrives he 's on his way .
14 Okay and read what 's at the bottom .
15 But there are still times , when she gets angry with me , that I ca n't help remembering , and wondering what 's in her heart . ’
16 Stirring potential buyers to get out and see what is for sale is a key element of successful salesmanship .
17 Oh , well , come on ; let's go down and see what 's for dinner .
18 Do n't get so bogged down in the trivia of life you have n't the time or inclination to branch out and see what 's on offer .
19 Because you 'd have to go and see whoever 's in charge .
20 the spirit points us to Christ and reveals what is in Christ .
21 I want you all to get out your exercise books and copy what is on the board … ’
22 Reforms of this kind point to the importance of attending to the purposes and social context of teaching , if teaching itself is to be changed .
23 that 's no good at all , we need to read them and digest them and know what 's in them , simply to show not only that we 're conscious of our spiritual need , but to encourage others to become conscious of their spiritual needs , so can you see what we said earlier about our lives being involved in other people 's too ?
24 Hence the need for non-logical factors to influence the subject classes so that they will allow themselves to neglect their own utility and pursue what is in the interest of the governing elite and therefore of the community as a whole .
25 So considered as an action , Pooh 's observation will succeed if this belief of his is true : that is , if tasting what 's in the pot will in fact make Pooh believe it 's honey if it is honey , and believe it 's not if it 's not .
26 Any farm worker could easily anticipate the consequences of ‘ going against ’ the local farmers , so for the most part they resigned themselves to this situation , bit their tongues rather than spoke out and developed what is by now their notorious taciturnity and ability to ‘ keep themselves to themselves ’ .
27 If anyone is thinking of booking a place on one of these tours they would be strongly advised to study the list of studios beforehand and to ensure there is at least one artist they know of that is of interest .
28 But a person going about it seriously has to discount his own personal opinion , which may be that all coloured people should — um — be expelled from the country , and decide what is in the best interests of the country as a whole , given that there is a large — er — ethnic problem .
29 And guess what 's on the menu . ’
30 But me jus study an tek what is fe me
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