Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Increased identification and understanding between an organisation , its workers , neighbours and the public or allowing them to benefit from the activity , increases the understanding and acceptance of risk .
2 Helping residents or reminding them to go to and from the toilets is a daily part of your duties .
3 Then , in a postscript , as if feeling that his measured words had not yet said enough , he added with a sudden note of desperation : ‘ May God preserve us & make us continue to be joy & comfort & wisdom & virtue to each other , my dear , dear , Poole ! ’
4 I must admit the ‘ truth ’ did not smack me right between the eyes or make me leap like Archimedes from his bath .
5 But Walcott does n't give his characters enough to do , or make us warm to Sonny so that we care whether he stays a tourist toy .
6 In the old days , life was simple in schools in the sense that if pupils did n't do what they were supposed to do you thrashed them , or made them stand in the corner , or expelled them .
7 This allows the meeting to ask questions , comment or review what happened at previous meetings and to check that decisions have been carried out , or that matters have progressed in the manner envisaged .
8 Whenever she felt unwell or oppressed she embarked on a new course of treatment at the alternative medicine centre or ingested a new range of vitamins .
9 But these were matters which preoccupied theologians ( whose intellectual reputation was not high ) , philosophers and artists ( who were admired but somewhat in the manner in which wealthy men admire the diamonds they can afford to buy their women ) and social critics , of the left or right , who did not like the kind of society they lived in or found themselves forced into .
10 On the other hand , if the incentives are too high , they may themselves distort the market , by giving the beneficiaries an unfair advantage or enabling them to operate in a way which does not reflect genuine supply and demand .
11 Right , I 'm here vir virtually throughout the vacation , erm , I 'll be here until the beginning of next term , so if you are having problems of any sort , or want me to run through something with you , just er , feel free to disturb me .
12 It is an offence to organise , to participate in or to incite someone to participate in a banned march .
13 Quite clearly the reason that people have been asked to come along this evening and have come along this evening is to put there points of view about how the see the theatre in the future what is programme facilities are the things that are n't happening here they feel should be happening here that 's what it 's for not here to serve any purpose for individuals to get up and make personal cuts on people or say what happen on a Saturday morning or a Thursday afternoon cos I
14 Where a summons or other originating process has been served on a defendant by post or insertion in his letter-box under Ord 7 , 4 10(1) ( b ) or 4(a) or r 13(1) ( b ) or ( 4 ) and after judgment has been given or entered it appears to the court that the process did not come to the knowledge of the defendant in time , the court may of its own motion set aside the judgment and may give any direction or make any such order as the court may think just .
15 Does Kerry like Take That any more , or has she gone off them ?
16 Have you just got to sort of like the , these open to interpretation , or has it got to be word for word ?
17 A person in possession of a moveable chattel ( e.g. a painting ) who loses it , or has it stolen from him or otherwise taken from him against his will can demand it back within five years from any person who then has possession of it [ Art .
18 Is he the sort that he actually wants one , or has he bowed to the advisers that he 's got from the War Office and so on who say the soldiers need it ?
19 Paul stared at the reeds in the narrow river ; the Clyde wound here like a country stream , and up the grass incline women hung out washing or spread it to dry on a fine day .
20 ‘ Not to play at soldiers with your men , or let them play in the band in the park on a Sunday afternoon .
21 Susan wondered how she would feel if he did ; or if she touched him or let him know in some other way that she was there ?
22 or let me lay on my belly
23 They do n't admit much light or let anyone see through them very clearly , even when the heavy curtains which hang behind them are open .
24 Cadfael knew of none besides Tutilo who had been out of the enclave that night , but a man intending such a deed would hardly publish his intent or let anyone know of his absence .
25 But on terms he knows the boy wo n't accept himself or let us accept for him .
26 A degenerate male voice exhorted its hearers to give it love or let it die in peace .
27 By day we 'll offer to show you around the island or let you laze by the pool — the choice is yours .
28 In his letter to the Romans , he wrote that whether we live or die we belong to God .
29 Helmut Kohl 's calls to brief Major on the British economy are doubtless answered by a builder screaming at the German Chancellor to speak English , or ordering him to get off the line so they can deal with the other jobs they 've got on the go .
30 The bulb inside would be attached to a battery and when the bulb flashed the heat sensitive powder would explode — either splitting the copper pipe or causing it to splinter into shrapnel .
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