Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] have [verb] from " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile , the number of students having the advantage of higher education at universities or polytechnics has risen from 780,000 to 1,060,000 .
2 She 'd snatched it away , and it fell on the kitchen floor , where blood had trickled from its beak .
3 A 20-a-day man or woman has spent from £360 to £713 a year on fags over the past 10 years .
4 A police witness : Difficult to establish exactly where Summerchild had fallen from , because of subsequent rain .
5 It was not that her therapist was possessed of unusual wisdom or insight and that Scarlet had learned from her : it was just that Scarlet had discerned her way of thought and her approach to the problems which beset the insecure and so found her entirely predictable .
6 It was the violent jolting of our wheels on the sleepers that finally woke me to the realisation that Ward had switched from the road to the railway line itself and was bumping his way along the track towards the gaping mouth of a tunnel .
7 DIOCESAN accounts show that investments have dropped from £4,327,000 at March 31 , 1989 , to £1,851,000 at March 31st this year .
8 There are some unavoidable costs er on that account , particularly on the engine programme where delays to the aircraft programme which result in extra costs on the engine side , are the customer 's liability , erm but the main increase in cost is actually in the equipment area and results I think , from the fact that the equipment prices turned out to be higher than was originally estimated at the start of the programme and also the fact that U K industry won a higher work share on equipment that we had originally been entitled to and budgeted for and lastly the point you mentioned that Germany has withdrawn from some parts of the requirement and that made certain equipments non-common and we have had to take a larger share of the costs of those equipments than originally planned .
9 Erm , but the main increase in cost is actually in the equipment area and results I think from the fact that the equipment prices turned out to be higher than was originally estimated at the start of the programme and also the fact that U K industry won a higher work share on equipment than we had originally been entitled to and budgeted for and lastly the point you mentioned that Germany has withdrawn from some parts of the requirement and that made certain equipments non common and we have had to take a larger share of the cost of those equipments than originally planned .
10 Val says it was known that David had suffered from depression .
11 John Matthews , chairman of the CIA energy committee , said that a recent CIA investment survey had shown that although investment had dropped from £2000m in 1991 to £1600m–£1800m in 1992 , the amount invested in health , safety and the environment had gone up considerably and the amount invested in energy efficiency had remained level .
12 Shakespeare makes the point about interpretation that modern research in theories of vision and the education of young children has confirmed — that we are all taught to see — by Iago 's prediction of the view that Othello , hidden in the normally superior position of the eavesdropper , will take of his imminent conversation with Cassio : After the scene has turned out exactly as predicted , Iago checks on his victim 's responses : The Signifier here , the handkerchief , has been made by Iago to yield a meaning which is totally false , but which he has put upon it with so much circumstantial detail — Shakespeare 's diligence in this point risks pushing his plot into the incredible — that Othello can only see it as a present that Cassio has received from Desdemona and has ‘ given … his whore ’ .
13 That meant that Macedon had to flirt from time to time with Sparta or whoever looked the strongest counterweight to Athens after Persia had recoiled from the Aegean in the mid-fifth century .
14 They believed that peoples had to go from one stage to another with mechanical regularity and in predictable order .
15 These mobile pieces of DNA ( called transposons ) share many features in common with the genetic material of some viruses and it is possible that viruses have evolved from them .
16 It was reported on Dec. 17 that Aquino had dismissed from the Cabinet Trade and Industry Secretary José Concepcion , one of her closest allies , in an attempt to counter growing criticism of her government .
17 Far below us now is a hurricane lamp that Odd-Knut has hung from a tree knowing it would be visible from the hill .
18 He cited benefits that Scotland had received from the Budget such as the decision not to raise the duty on whisky and the North Sea measures .
19 The story was confirmation of all that Eva had learnt from her parents .
20 He was wearing the new jersey that Tom had collected from Mrs Fletcher .
21 ‘ Poor boy , ’ he said with more tenderness than Julia had heard from him since the crisis of her illness .
22 New Agers claim that Christians have abdicated from ruling the planet in a life-sustaining way .
23 He was , however , unable to exert sufficient influence to change the direction of a game that Forest had controlled from the start .
24 Although stocks have fallen from their earlier high of 32 million tonnes due to an upsurge in the steel industry , at the end of June 1984 stocks still stood at 18 million tonnes .
25 Tim Waterstone declined to expound on the decision , beyond saying that Waterstones had withdrawn from the concession for commercial reasons and was now re-entering it for commercial reasons .
26 There was , for example , the theory that A'Tuin had come from nowhere and would continue at a uniform crawl , or steady gait , into nowhere , for all time .
27 Some of the women who were followers of Jesus had returned from the tomb where Jesus had been buried , saying that it was empty , that they had been told in a vision that Jesus had risen from the dead .
28 And there 's a neat feature that Claris has taken from its Apple software — you can tear off the colour and pattern palettes from the drawing icons and put them anywhere on-screen .
29 On the other hand , you can have something like the gang of four in China that creates such tensions and anxieties in the society and so many people get to feel that things have gone from bad to worse , that you get a shake up and change in the regime .
30 He noted that inflation had fallen from 159 per cent in December 1987 to 17 per cent as at September 1989 , the lowest level for over 10 years .
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