Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] than it [is] " in BNC.

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1 Acid rain damage to forests is no worse in Poland or Czechoslovakia than it is in western Germany or Sweden , while average concentrations of particulates in Budapest and Warsaw are within EC safety standards .
2 We need to remember that it is no more natural for women to live longer than men than it is for them to have lower incomes , to expect to give up work if their men wish it at marriage or in later life , to be the keepers of family memory , the main carers of those in need , the main sufferers from the empty nest as children leave home .
3 It 's always easier to talk about warts and carbuncles than it is to focus on beauty spots , but I hope to get the balance right this morning .
4 A closed economy can not dispose of more goods and services than it is currently producing , and the reduction in resources available for current non-government use is independent of the method of finance .
5 It is extraordinary that it is easier for the EC to export to Hungary , Czechoslovakia and Poland than it is for those countries to export to the EC .
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