Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] then [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 And it 's up to the school or college then to pass on their application form directly to the UCCA .
2 Might the consequence of that be , that people then go out and murder and steal and rape and fight wars , and do all , do all these kinds anti-social things ?
3 It will be deducted from the loss and payment then made up to the policy limit .
4 Silas and Matt then set up the barbecue , and Lucy was able to open the two food hampers , her eyes widening at the variety they contained .
5 The coaching committee in fact , had originally settled for four boxers but then included a fifth and Crowley then got in as a result of tremendous pressure from the body of the floor .
6 I thought the two rivers both rising on Plynlimmon and then flowing their separate ways like brother and sister then meeting down under the Severn Bridge — I thought that provided a very nice theme for this beautiful border country
7 Master and dame then went off to pass time with a neighbour , while the young people sit and talk happily around a good coal fire : " More free from care than knight or squire " .
8 Postwoman Val took Pat home , where her husband made him a Jamaican meal and Pat then went off to boogie to a steel band , like a rasta on ganja , exhibiting a sense of abandon never hinted at in Greendale .
9 Put them in the hot seat and question then to find out .
10 Violet and Eddie then went back to their respective boarding schools , paid for by Granny Macleod , which only stepped up Perdita 's paranoia and jealousy .
11 He and Cooper then set off to get the other boat , which they discovered to their fury was also defective .
12 This work behind them , Peach and Horne then set about the description of the North:West Highlands .
13 The ‘ Eastern Treaties ’ were ratified on 17 May , with the CDU deciding to abstain , and Brandt then went on to negotiate the ‘ Basic Treaty ’ defining future relations with East Germany , on the principle of two German states existing in one nation .
14 Last time round they went to south east Asia , trekked in Nepal as far as the Everest base camp , saw Thailand and China then came back on the Trans-Siberian Railway .
15 Ninety three members and friends then went on to the Headlands Hotel for a celebration dinner where all the ladies received a white carnation .
16 On Nov. 18 , the Supreme Court voted by seven to two not to overturn the restraining order , and CNN then turned over the tapes so that they could be examined by Hoeveler .
17 ( Hint : On the map , use your ruler to line up Grenada and Dominica then line up Grenada and Tobago with your pencil .
18 A few questions about general financial transactions were asked and answered , and Meese then pointed out the paragraph about the diversion .
19 Fowler and Broad then got off to a good start with 90 for the first wicket before things began to go wrong .
20 Captain Swan was the trainer on that occasion and Charlie then moved on to the Kevin Prendergast yard where he had to give up Flat racing because of a sharp rise in his weight following an accident .
21 Unfortunately he found like others that even eminence in science did not automatically bring emolument , and in 1863 he contemplated moving to Manchester ; but Samuelson then came up with the proposal of producing a new Quarterly Journal of Science , which duly appeared in January 1864 under the editorship of Crookes and Samuelson .
22 But Valli then dropped back to third when club secretary and veteran runner Brian took over on the penultimate third stage .
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