Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] could [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Continuity , stability , mutual reliance , it says ; yet a change of wind or tide could end it all .
2 The Empire was a warm haven where Frankie could watch his favourite films or close his eyes and sleep without fear .
3 If Annie or Jean could see you now , says one Kate to the other , they would n't know you .
4 Or Kay could take me up bingo I ai n't worried .
5 If J. Sainsburys or Waitrose could see us using the necks of 40/60 mm jam jars they would be surprised !
6 I asked him if he or Tiare could let me see the ‘ inheritance ’ ; and I saw it . ’
7 Until recently what was on the child 's school record and whether parent or child could see it was a vexed question .
8 Consequential loss can be where delay or loss of a letter or package could involve you in additional expense over and above its actual value .
9 It was the only thing on the horizon , shouldering aside achievement and sensation with attention-seeking roughness , and nothing , not conversation , wine , sexual encounters or the search for knowledge or fame could prevent it .
10 Beauty flowed from her also ; although it was shrouded I knew that it was there , no veil or coverings could obscure it — at least , to my imagination .
11 In the drawing room there was none of the untidy , unmatched squalor that made the morning room a place where troubles or pleasures could have their breathing spaces .
12 The Althorps ' divorce went through in April 1969 and a month later on May 2 , Peter Shand Kydd and Lady Althorp married in a quiet register office ceremony and bought a house on the West Sussex coast where Peter could indulge his love of sailing .
13 And before Athelstan or Cranston could do anything , the madman bit into the hen 's neck and tore its throat out .
14 Then men or women could choose what kind of contribution they are gong to make to all societies work .
15 The advisers will concentrate on how people can make the most of their skills and abilities , and how retraining or travel could provide them with employment .
16 The Council then was not quite a ‘ cross-section ’ of Athenians , but contained disproportionately many rich , determined politicians ; and lobbies , political dynasties or mafias could perpetuate themselves over the years despite the restrictions on re-election ( so the contrast with , for example , the Roman Senate is not after all total ) .
17 It was not usually until two o'clock that Denis could persuade her to go to bed .
18 Detectives also stressed that Lisa could contact them in confidence , without her whereabouts being passed on , if she wished .
19 Thus , whilst women who smoke may know that smoking could damage their health , there is no evidence that they experienced smoking as having any immediate impact on their self-perceived strength and fitness .
20 His begging hand was still outstretched but his other hand now fell from his face so that O could see his gasping mouth labouring with the hard , near-fainting breath of extreme grief .
21 The injustice of it all , the knowledge that Spiderglass possessed her and there was nowhere she could hide from them with their tracer in her head , the certainty that Karel could blackmail her with her string of crimes pushing her ever deeper into the mire — it all added up to just one thing .
22 He looked at Killion as if urging him to argue so that Woolley could knock him down .
23 She knew enough , now , to be aware that , although Johnny could see her friends , could talk to them and touch them , he could not see her world .
24 There was the weighted velvet curtain that had once hung in the Star Theatre , now fixed to a huge rod with rings so large that Frankie could slip them over his arms like bangles .
25 Although Bernice could understand her wish for peace and quiet , Ell must be joking saying that she would prefer to be back home .
26 ‘ They said on the radio that toothpaste could make you ill .
27 ‘ I 'm being careful , ’ Erika said , in a voice which meant that Rosa could mind her own business .
28 I thought , I I well , I do n't envisage anything but I mean I would of thought that kids could fill it in in pencil and then we do the same as we did before a and and that the staff in some way put in their own .
29 No one except Ramsey could teach what Christian doctrine was about .
30 Her hair was too short to fall far across her face , so Edward could see her expression , tender and deliberate .
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