Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] would [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For example , the chief executive or clerk would be at fault in allowing a committee to do something which is not authorised by law or which he knows to be illegal .
2 Taking the present bullion value of gold as 400 dollars , the ducat or florin would be worth in present British money about £30 .
3 This sort of placement or residency would be for a period of time , perhaps weeks or months , so there must be a commitment of time as well as purpose on the part of the artist .
4 According to this principle , as Bentham understands it , the ideal method for determining whether an individual 's action , or a legislative enactment , is right or wrong would be through evaluation of its total tendency to promote happiness , on the one hand , and to promote unhappiness on the other ; if the former predominates the action is right , if the latter it is wrong .
5 The research or training would be in the interests of the Community , particularly the Human Capital and Mobility Programme .
6 Lord Brandon stated that an operation or treatment would be in the patient 's best interests if it was carried out to save the patient 's life , ensure improvement , or prevent physical or mental deterioration .
7 Two months ago the company was confident that sponsorships would be in place by Christmas .
8 This is not to say that functionalists would be in sympathy with Freud 's belief that certain unconscious mental processes are so anxiety-provoking that they must not be allowed to enter awareness .
9 Who 'd have thought that Shrewsbury would be in control here but with twelve minutes of the second half gone they are .
10 He heard the sounds of merriment coming from the Manse , and he knew that Madra would be in there , pouring wine for Bragad and suffering the leers of drunk men .
11 She had no doubt that Dana would be with Garry and her twin was n't made to stand up to that kind of trouble .
12 'Really ? ’ observed Ivy ; ‘ one can not imagine anyone doing anything in the afternoon between 2 and 4 , except hoping that tea would be at 4 rather than at 5 . ’
13 At least she had one thing to be thankful for , she consoled herself , seeing Veronica into a taxi in the Aldwych : she was in no doubt at all that Veronica would be in touch again .
14 The only thing that would be worse than uncertainty would be to be given duff information .
15 So that Dunbar would be in no position to hand it over to the enemy .
16 HAD anyone suggested back in December that Scotland would be in a position to win the Triple Crown by the last match of 1993 , just after the A XV had played Italy , they would probably have been led quietly away for a mental examination .
17 Furthermore , as soon as he did turn up , Maradona unwisely told the expectant press corps that he thought the World Cup draw had been fixed so that Argentina would be in a difficult group and Italy in an easy group .
18 The exemption of gifts and bequests between spouses is certainly to be welcomed , and the amended regulations which provide reasonable scope for gifts to charity are a belated honouring of the promise in the White Paper that charities would be at least as well off as under the old estate duty .
19 It was made clear that trade would be at international prices , with no subsidies or preferential treatment .
20 Many in the Cabinet felt that Callaghan would be in a uniquely favourable position , both politically and in terms of the balance of payments , to call an election in October .
21 She foresaw that Billy would be in danger of being killed , so she went to save him .
22 ‘ It is input twice , ’ admits Mr Johnson , ‘ in the sense that sales would be at the invoicing stage and then put into FDC at the total stage with the two systems running side by side .
23 We I agreed with Dick well we both agreed that Bill would be with you and we 'd sort out Jack .
24 Promises by management that employment would be for life and the concentration of labour unions within specific firms were in practice a post-war innovation designed to overcome the crisis caused by severe labour unrest following the democratic reforms of the US Occupation .
25 Of course it is more likely that women rather than men would be in a position to offer such assistance ( Anderson , 1971 , pp. 139–44 ) .
26 No statement is expected from the club for another week but concerned fans were more optimistic last night that Keegan would be at the helm for the start of next season .
27 My watch showed that Joan would be in church , her eyes and ears on the preacher , her hands turning the pages of a picture-book for Susan and Sam .
28 One might also predict that context would be of most use to individuals who have acquired rapid word-recognition skills and who can integrate word meanings rapidly .
29 There was a good chance that Bridget would be in touch with all the gossip about Puddephat 's disappearance .
30 ‘ I believe he said weeks ago that Hitler would be in Buckingham Palace and he 'd be in Knowsly Hall .
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