Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] has often been " in BNC.

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1 The distribution of price changes or returns has often been found to be leptokurtic .
2 Dowty 's three-pronged attack in areas of high technology where profit has often been elusive is proceeding better than the interim results suggest .
3 In addition an agent or distributor has often been found for the new product , improving after sales support in the UK .
4 The reason for doing this should now be a little clearer : although democracy has often been equated with a system of government , or recently even more narrowly with a method of choosing a government , too much stress on government diverts attention from one of the most constant aspirations behind the idea of democracy — the desire to bridge , or even to abolish , the gap between government and the governed , state and society , which is taken for granted in so much conventional political thinking .
5 Although functionalism has often been attacked as a conservative sociological tradition , some of its terminology and certain aspects of its analysis have been appropriated by Marxist and radical theorists .
6 Peter Berger argues that society has often been viewed as a puppet theatre with its members portrayed as ‘ little puppets jumping about on the ends of their invisible strings , cheerfully acting out the parts that have been assigned to them ’ .
7 Many of these coombes have thick deposits of sand and clay at their bases and woodland has often been allowed to develop here .
8 The idea that older people live in the past , that they are always talking about the ‘ good old days ’ is common , and reminiscence has often been devalued as merely the aimless meanderings of an increasingly decrepit mind .
9 Partly because of these restrictions on action and scope , the relationship between Assembly and Committee has often been uneasy and strained .
10 The relationship between herbivores and plants has often been seen as some kind of arms race , but there have been opposing views in that , for example , spittle-bugs in the dry tropics of West Africa , rather than depleting valuable water resources may promote microbial activity beneath particular tree species , allowing them to take up nutrients in the dry season from the surface layers of the soil , provided that other roots can tap a deep water source .
11 Christian growth and education has often been seen as a job for the church , which has robbed the home of its crucial importance for its shaping of Christian character .
12 The process whereby rivers have been straightened and lowered to allow all riverside land to be more intensively cropped for grass and grain has often been expensive in terms of both wasted investment and loss of landscape .
13 Indigenous firms have been acquired by larger competitors , and production has often been abandoned or reduced .
14 Instead we will discuss together all design variations in each particular field ; within a field it should not be assumed that the more complex facilities are the later ones , since evolution has often been towards simplifying systems from the programmer 's viewpoint .
15 For the majority of building , wood was the chief material and little has survived , though rebuilding has often been in similar traditional style .
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