Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] as they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Given their reputation in the 1970s , who would have thought that British car workers would match their counterparts in Japan or Germany as they do now , not only for productivity , but for quality as well ?
2 [ the commission ] did not … attempt to demarcate a boundary but indicated a border strip some twenty to forty miles [ 30–60 km ] in width , somewhere inside which the frontier line was understood to lie , the two governments being left to settle the question by agreement or force as they pleased .
3 Trolls can sometimes be persuaded to join Orcs or Goblins as they march to battle , although it is doubtful if they really understand what is going on .
4 Privacy or privacy as they seem to say these days , do n't they , sometimes ?
5 Instead of giving your mum chocolates ( or cake as they did in those days ) , you could treat her to a special melon basket , which can be prepared the day before .
6 For example , besides assuming Cézanne 's high viewpoint , Picasso now often continues the outlines of walls or buildings at slightly different levels or angles as they appear at intervals behind the objects in the foreground .
7 The retailer may be cushioned from cut-throat competition from supermarkets but at the cost of their freedom to sell or price as they wish : like small subcontractors , being tied to a dominant parent company may be the cost of insuring against business failure .
8 Waterlilies should never be positioned near waterfalls or fountains as they prefer fairly static water .
9 The Education Department did n't like the situation ; they did not co-operate with advice or materials as they had done in the past , and in fact the island 's Director of Education accused Mrs M of ‘ acting illegally ’ .
10 ‘ The Scots are in no mood to have foreigners , or Sassenachs as they call us , interfering in their affairs , but by all means keep yourself conversant with what is happening .
11 Their reaction turns from pleasure to indifference or hostility as they realise what impending fatherhood actually involves .
12 For the walk-in horses are better pack animals than llamas as they carry much more and cost about the same , but horses can not reach all the base camps .
13 You can tell we 're English , she thought that evening as they sat four tables apart in the dining room , books propped against their separate water jugs .
14 If such an interpretation were accepted , such stamps can be viewed as more than decoration as they become symbols conveying information about family .
15 Many families would eat nothing that day as they waited in hope for Ramlal to return .
16 ‘ It will be more like a home game for us than France as they have only sold about 20,000 tickets , ’ he said .
17 Nothing could have been better designed to ram home to the Scots that monarchy as they understood it was a thing of the past .
18 Well , the resistance of course is caused by the fact that electrons as they move around in , in , in metals , bounce off things and this erm causes their , their flow to be impeded .
19 Central heating pipes expand as they heat up and contract as they cool down , and this can cause irritating ticking or creaking noises .
20 ‘ There was no Albert Bridge then , ’ recalled Ben Bellaser , ‘ to span the river and ride over the ancient town with its oppressive grandeur , and the moon was rising and lighting up the shore and houses as they rose one over the other in terrace fashion against the dark blue starry sky ’ .
21 Later that year a combined army of men led by Sigmar and Dwarfs led by King Kurgan met and defeated a huge horde of Goblins and Orcs as they attempted to cross the Worlds Edge Mountains at the Black Fire Pass .
22 But already the ships in the Morpork docks — laden with grain , cotton and timber , and coated with tar — were blazing merrily and , their moorings burnt to ashes , were breasting the river Ankh on the ebb tide , igniting riverside palaces and bowers as they drifted like drowning fireflies towards the sea .
23 The analysis of markets and products as they relate to the customer is a prime marketing task .
24 In many ways , the Lebanon of 1892 is still identifiable to us , for the various religious communities — the minority tribes — still live in the same villages and cities as they did then .
25 ‘ You are very much mistaken , ’ he muttered , looking beyond them and keeping a close eye on his sister and Mitch as they rode along laughing and talking .
26 ( iii ) To ensure that the government machine responds and adapts itself to new policies and programmes as they emerge , within the broad framework of the main departmental fields of responsibility .
27 In those days Womblemania stalked these islands , and so a large audience had gathered to witness Uncle Bulgaria and Co as they strutted their stuff .
28 The weary sighs from friends and associates as they replace the telephone receiver after yet another call from the maestro have become somewhat more pronounced .
29 • Legislation — rulings and policies as they affect both suppliers and consumers
30 Another boost will come from the availability of the Forte client-server development environment from Oakland , California-based Forte Software Inc , which is currently in beta test , and which enables developers to build an application as a whole , dividing it up later between clients and servers as they wish .
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