Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] are [noun] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Yet we know that organizations are power systems in which political skills are vital .
2 Firstly , it is assumed that consumers are utility maximisers and , perhaps more contentiously , that producers are profit maximisers .
3 Of greater importance to companies than wages are employment costs .
4 Firstly , it is assumed that consumers are utility maximisers and , perhaps more contentiously , that producers are profit maximisers .
5 Collectivism would eventually lead to totalitarianism — fascism and communism are collectivist ideologies — but it would also surface in the bureaucratic thinking of Western governments and multinational corporations .
6 In division we have a dividend N and a divisor D , and require a quotient Q and remainder R such that The divisor , quotient , and remainder are n bits long , and the dividend is 2n bits long .
7 Thus s and t are equivalence classes of integers mod n .
8 In the output equation y is the log of real GDP , t is a time trend and VP is a measure of the variability of the inflation rate ; and t are equation errors .
9 Unfortunately , Jens and Hanne are dairy farmers and can not spend time away from their stock to find him and try to make him see sense . ’
10 Nor is there any recognition of the fact that relations of super and sub-ordination are power relations which are in themselves wrong .
11 Sequences for globin molecules are available for lampreys , hagfishes and a variety of gnathostomes , and comparisons of these sequences imply that lampreys and hagfishes are sister groups .
12 When cephalochordates or cephalochordates plus tunicates were used as the outgroup , the analysis suggested that lampreys and hagfishes are sister groups .
13 Hedgehogs and hedge-sparrows are hedge denizens and by courtesy of Geoffrey Grigson we know that more than 40 native plants have ‘ hedge ’ names .
14 Nevertheless Hagi , Camataru and Dumitrescu are quality players and if Romania , given the political situation in Eastern Europe , have the right appetite they could cause the odd upset .
15 Common sources of grievances and dissatisfaction are performance evaluations , promotions , extra duties , boredom , personality clashes and poor working conditions .
16 While languages and history/ geography and PE are foundation subjects in TNC , they are free options in ISS .
17 Recruitment and selection are heavyweight matters in terms of company business .
18 Stockholm and Venice are island cities .
19 April , September and October are peak months for your ambitions .
20 It is clear that both tobacco and alcohol are risk factors in the development of oral carcinoma .
21 Similarly , nerve cells with their dendrites and synapses are logic units .
22 Both Du Pont and Conoco are world leaders , in their respective sectors , in environmental protection and safety .
23 A few apple , pear and plum varieties are cross-sterile and can not pollinate each other , while some apples and pears are biennial bearers and thus will not supply pollen each year .
24 Below : wild rice and grits are staple elements in Cajun cooking .
25 Now er i i if you 're buying gilts individually , you 've got to know what you 're doing unless you want to hang on to them to the end of the terms , cos gilts are government securities , and they have the different rate , rates of return , different maturity dates .
26 ‘ Now I 'm very focused on making sure one 's auditors and advisers are industry specialists . ’
27 Both excited electron and hole are charge carriers and move in opposite directions in an electric field .
28 But unless this is combined with techniques like vaccination and knowledge of oral rehydration , diseases like measles and diarrhoea are child killers .
29 Styx burgers and pizzas are bar specialities , entertainment ranges from disco and live music to pianist and cabaret .
30 The Faroese ( well , most of them ) maintain that those who oppose their traditional ways are people who have never had to hunt and kill to survive , who are happy to let other people ‘ do the dirty work ’ and to buy their meat ready-packaged from a supermarket ; that whale- and bird-hunting are community activities which help foster a ‘ community spirit ’ and that the birds and animals are all used for human food .
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