Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] at [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , the only formal requirement for economic evaluation of alternative plans or programmes at the current time is that of option appraisal for schemes where one of the options is a capital scheme with an initial outlay of £10 million or more ( DHSS , 1981 ) .
2 However , it has neither been thought desirable nor feasible to require formal evaluations of alternative programmes , treatments or technologies at the local level .
3 On 4 August 1914 few expected the war to last long — a matter of weeks , perhaps , or months at the longest .
4 Clive Hart , the Keeper or Archaeology at the Roman Fort at Arbeia , in South Shields , and my guide , happily refers to them as ‘ Celtic Cowboys ’ .
5 Away from the dunes the machair level rises gradually before falling again towards wet hollows or lochs at the landward edge .
6 Their chairman would have the support of both the Secretary of State and the LEA in discouraging , and ultimately forbidding , discussion of the performance of an individual pupil or teacher at an annual parents ' meeting .
7 In 1991 , an International Nuclear Event Scale was introduced to help the media and the public understand the safety significance of an incident or accident at a nuclear power plant .
8 ( 1 ) No reconstruction or extension of or alteration in any premises in respect of which a licence ( other than an off-sale licence ) is in force , being a reconstruction , extension or alteration which will affect a public or common part of such remises or any communication with such part , shall be made unless the licensing board within whose area such premises are situated has consented to such reconstruction , extension or alteration at a quarterly meeting of the board or at such other time as may be appointed by the board , or unless such reconstruction , extension or alteration is required by order of some lawful authority .
9 Without digressing into the subject of word processing in itself , which would probably require a paper all of its own , suffice it to say that word processing programs on computer enable letters and any other documents to be created , corrected if necessary , then stored on disk or tape ready for printing or alteration at a later data In this example a general letter inviting a candidate to interview could be drawn up and then only the details specific to each candidate need be added before printing the letter .
10 ‘ You were always such a capable child , ’ Mrs Everett replied cheerfully , having absolutely no idea , Leith knew , of the times she 'd kept childhood and then adolescent worries to herself on account of Sebastian 's suffering either catastrophe or crisis at the same time .
11 Amounts which are commonly established by accountants ' certificates in sale and purchase of business agreements include : ( 1 ) profits , losses and sales ; ( 2 ) the value of the stock ; ( 3 ) apportionments between vendor and purchaser ; ( 4 ) the turnover of service businesses and the value of service contracts ; ( 5 ) the evaluation of loan portfolios of banks ; ( 6 ) the net asset value of a company or business at a particular date ; and ( 7 ) the cost of repairing or replacing an asset transferred with the business .
12 If after the addition of the agent used , the pH is outside the limits 6–8 , then correction should be made by the addition of small amounts of alkali or acid at the same time as the flocculant. laboratory trials should always be made to ascertain the most effective dosing conditions for the water that is to be treated .
13 For example , inequalities of political power and access to land should not substantially weight the costs and benefits of conservation measures to or from particular groups or classes at the local level .
14 His was by now a familiar position , and the critical reactions to it had also become predictable : praise at his critical acumen in the examination of individual authors was mixed with scorn or bafflement at the general principles he espoused .
15 To organize the event successfully , make an amusing speech , and get the right balance between outrageous fun and good taste , will indicate to the bride or groom that you can be relied upon to perform well as best man or bridesmaid at the subsequent wedding .
16 At intervals an enemy horseman might appear at the edge of the village to gaze through a spyglass at the Dutch positions , but no attacks followed such reconnaissances , no skirmishers wormed their way through the fields , and no cannon crashed shell or roundshot at the fragile Dutch lines .
17 This detects signals from radars on the ground that may be aiming missiles or guns at the approaching aircraft .
18 It was not intended for the man or woman at the receiving end but for the author 's fellow elitists .
19 A probe measuring the temperature or velocity at a fixed point within this flow would indicate a periodic variation ( cf.
20 Cos you 're inflicting , you 're inflicting or , or people at the very bottom of the scale , you 're forced to operate below a level of subsistence because inequalities .
21 The fine roots of trees are damaged by the toxicity of aluminium , which , together with nutrient deficiency , causes a stress condition of crown dieback ( leaves or needles at the tree-top turn yellow , then brown , and eventually drop off ) and the eventual death of the tree .
22 Lay the weaving yarn over the selected needles , with the end which is joined to the ball or cone at the opposite side to the carriage .
23 They seem to drift about in the middle and good grey columns or rudeness at the other end of the market .
24 These include goals , such as racing or training at a consistent level .
25 It was while in the Forth that he started an excursion run between Boness & Leith at a single fare of 7/6d. ( 35½p ) .
26 However , in a high risk situation , for instance involving industrial property or property at the higher end of the market , a disclaimer might be reasonable .
27 If your parent is allowed home from hospital ( or other National Health Service accommodation ) for a few days occasionally you should notify the Department of Health and Social Security , as she may be entitled to her pension , benefits or allowances at the full rate for that period .
28 ( If you can provide free biscuits or food at the first meeting it may encourage a few more to come ! )
29 Evidence that David Kirby was keen to show that L&SE was no longer a region-based organisation is to be found in the launch of Awayday , entitling an adult , if accompanied by at least one child , to purchase up to four additional tickets for adults or children at a flat fare of £1 each for use anywhere within the sector area .
30 ‘ They seemed to be enjoying themselves immensely , making a lot of noise , rushing dramatically up and down the stairs , spraying the fire-hoses everywhere , and throwing the occasional bottle or glass at the other side . ’
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