Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] was [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Whoever slew a hart or hind was to be blinded .
2 When a special event or a victory like the Nile , Trafalgar or Waterloo was to be announced , the Mail Coach and horses were decorated with laurels and a red flag floated from the roof of the coach .
3 This rebellion had two main foci : the Viceroyalties of the Rio de la Plata and of New Granada , where resistance was to be symbolized by Bolívar , the greatest of the liberators of Latin America .
4 When an illustration or photograph was to be used the appropriate area was opened up and the relevant item stuck in .
5 His objective was to challenge what he called ‘ the liberal theory of the state ’ which ‘ assumed that in political society where anarchy was to be avoided there must be a supreme authority which gives orders to all and receives orders from none ’ .
6 Anselm was determined to make the clearest possible break with past practice : henceforth no priest or deacon was to be allowed , on any pretext whatsoever , to have a wife and continue to carry out his duties , and he had prepared an elaborate series of provisional arrangements to cope with the shortage of qualified priests under the new regulations .
7 Like so many others , Baron de Tracy knew which way the wind blew and where gain was to be had .
8 The worst fate that could befall any relative or follower was to be declared a ‘ broken man ’ : that is , either by punitive official proceedings or by some family banishment , to be removed from the protection of the surname and so become an outlaw , fair prey for any enemy , English or Scottish .
9 But whenever the behaviour of either Christians or Muslims was to be challenged in the future , the Covenant itself would inevitably be called into question .
10 Understandably so , for these problems were grave indeed : the Kennedys had been killed , likewise Dr King ; the streets of Paris and London were furious with the sounds of protest ; the cities and university towns of America were in turmoil : race relations , the draft , mind-expanding drugs , the Weather Underground , Dylan , Daley , psychedelia , the National Guard ; a cause for a riot , bomb or occupation was to be found everywhere , every day .
11 Law and morality were not yet clearly distinguished , nor could one even say that the whole of law or justice was to be found in any one court ; the Ecclesiastical Courts , and Local Courts of many different kinds , administered a justice which was not the justice of the Common Law Courts ; so the thought was natural that even the King 's justice was not exhausted in the power conferred on his courts .
12 Just a month later however , this great work was threatened by an advertisement in the Mercury which stated that another plan of Manchester & Salford was to be on the market and carried out by J. Oldham .
13 After a week of confusion , warnings of constitutional crisis and outrage over the possibility that Parliament was to be bypassed , Foreign Secretary Hurd turned urbanity and understatement into performance art .
14 It is clear that money was to be made honestly at this profession ; even clearer that forgery and other types of fraud were frequently used by moneyers as short-cuts to wealth .
15 He was only too thankful that Sarah was to be removed from his home .
16 Since it was revealed that Middlesbrough was to be given environment city status the borough council has organised a number of initiatives to help improve the town .
17 The Declaration envisaged the abolition of all tariffs within the zone , although Ecuador was to be permitted to dismantle its strongly protectionist system in two stages — 50 per cent of its tariffs would be lifted by the end of 1991 , and the remainder by June 30 , 1992 .
18 The English , with no hope now of consummating the Rough Wooing , finally withdrew ; but the French were proving almost equally unwelcome , provoking fears among committed Protestant reformers that Scotland was to be swallowed up by yet another powerful nation , and this one Papist .
19 An agreement was later made with the administrations of Southern Rhodesia and Nyasaland that Lusaka was to be the centre for broadcasting to Africans in the three territories .
20 In this case Lord Parker L.C.J. held in effect that consent was to be assessed differently in the case of girls under 16 .
21 In 1911 the inaugural conference of the National Council of Public Morals ( NCPM ) announced that prevention rather than punishment was to be the keynote in the regeneration of the nation 's moral life .
22 The L & NWR Loco Committee Minutes of 9 February 1847 state that water was to be supplied to tenants willing to pay an extra rent of 2p per week .
23 The principle that education was to be open to all , irrespective of means ; public galleries and museums should be open to all , the National Health Service likewise .
24 This makes a mockery of one of the aims demonstrated by Seona Reid , director of the Scottish Arts Council for the development of the arts in Scotland , when she says that quality was to be rewarded wherever found .
25 Parliament ordered his arrest in February 1644 after he clashed at Paul 's Cross with the Presbyterian Cornelius Burges [ q.v. ] , and he was soon in trouble again for preaching , allegedly , that Christ was to be found even ‘ in hogs , and dogs , or sheep ’ .
26 ( 42 ) If he was small enough to sell his Lord for so little , how account for the remorse which led him to suicide when he realized that Christ was to be slain ?
27 ( The Iraqis had themselves declared on Sept. 24 that Bush was to be put on trial in mid-October for war crimes against Palestinians through US co-operation with the " Zionist entity " and for killings in Panama and Grenada . )
28 Most people ignored this commandment , although I have heard it said that Pike was to be seen with a compass on a number of occasions , trying to align himself correctly .
29 In May Justice Minister Kinkel announced that priority was to be given to the rehabilitation and compensation of victims of the SED regime , ahead of pursuing those accused of committing crimes or of assessing compensation claims of those who had been dispossessed of property by the regime .
30 When he saw that Mass was to be in the Lady Chapel he moved across and sat in the back row .
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