Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] of the [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 Agreeing with Sahlins that ‘ Culture is not ordered by the primitive emotions of the hypothalamus ; it is the emotions which are organized by culture ’ ( 1977 : 13 ) , we have presented some different social orders where fighting , competition , and other violent behaviour are not part of the order , or part of the people 's ideas of what a human being is .
2 A proxy may not vote at the same election for more than two people unless the proxy is a close relative ie husband , wife , parent , grandparent , brother , sister , child or grandchild of the people he or she is voting for .
3 Thus , the crucial division between classes is based on property ownership or non-ownership of the means of production .
4 Thus the signified tree is not the expression or reflection or product of the series of vegetable objects to which it is conventionally attached in English usage .
5 With the possible exception of a stall warning unserviceability , examination revealed no evidence of any failure or malfunction of the aircraft that could have contributed to the accident .
6 However , the importance of the group is often measured by the number or helplessness of the people dependent on such services and the degree to which they are affected , for example we can all fall ill and a strike of doctors would affect all classes , rich and poor , young and old alike .
7 Decisions relating to the possible rebuild or replacement of the aircraft have yet to be made .
8 Direct ownership or control of the means of production is no longer the exclusive criterion for serving the interests of capital , particularly not the global interests of capital .
9 The key determination is whether ‘ originality ’ exists in the selection or arrangement of the database.The current position under UK law would seem to be that a database is protected under copyright law even if it only attains the ‘ sweat of the brow ’ criteria .
10 However , there is a greater possibility of the pilot becoming confused about the attitude or motion of the aircraft because of his own false sensations .
11 The form or structure of the species was determined by its function , this in turn being determined by its environment and way of life .
12 The " push " instruction performs the following sequence of operations : Increment the modifier field Store the new data at the address pointed to by the modifier field The " pop " instruction performs the following sequence of operations : Extract the contents of the store location pointed to by the modifier field Decrement the modifier field This pair of instructions is available on the DEC PDP- 10 computer , where the stack pointer is the modifier field of a specified accumulator , and the source of the data to be pushed or destination of the data to be popped is a specified store location .
13 It also requires money to pay for transferring important components or sections of the aircraft structure to a place where they can be properly examined and possibly tested and for the different kinds of structural tests which have to be carried out on undamaged components .
14 When such an accident occurs the pilot , or if he is incapacitated the owner or operator of the aircraft , is required to notify the Chief Inspector of Accidents .
15 Lawyers and political scientists living in Gaza suggest that the organisation controls no more than 30% or 40% of the 60% of Gazans who are politically involved .
16 For the Webbs ' prescription for Socialism was ownership and control by the State or municipality of the means of production or provision , the control to be exercised in the general interest .
17 Such flexibility allows users to see only that part of the data model that interests them and avoid an otherwise over-complicated view of the model , and supports other requirements such as privacy and security .
18 The poll , conducted by the Market Research Bureau of Ireland ( MRBI ) and published in the latter half of 1987 , also found that 67% of the people in the Irish Republic saw Irish unity as ‘ something to be hoped for ’ .
19 More than 3m of the 22m cars ( of all ages ) now clogging Britain 's roads are registered by companies or other organisations .
20 The Canadian government has drastically reduced catch quotas for cod after admitting that stocks of the fish on the Grand Banks off Newfoundland are dangerously low .
21 On Jan. 24 , 1990 , Hoyte said that $27,000,000 of the $95,000,000 pledged by the group to help the ERP over its three-year period had been disbursed .
22 This group , known as T.E.C.A. , the Teachers ' Economic and Cultural Association Ltd. had been impressed by the strong nationalistic tone of Williams ' book and they wholeheartedly agreed with his sentiments that education of the people should be ‘ part of their democratic privileges and their democratic responsibilities ’ .
23 It is thought that members of the src family play important roles in the cellular signalling pathways that regulate cell proliferation and differentiation .
24 A recent opinion poll on the subject South of the border found that 49% of the people in the Irish Republic believed that there will never be a united Ireland .
25 Tobacco accounts for ‘ little more than 1% of the $50bn ( £28.9bn. ) spent on advertising in the EC in 1990 ’ ( Financial Times , 20.5.91 ) and advertising industry forecasts are for a strong rise in total advertising expenditure throughout the EC , so that the removal of tobacco advertising can be absorbed easily .
26 By the end of the World Cup the Scottish Rugby Union 's debenture scheme had raised more than £22m of the £37m needed to finance the overall redevelopment .
27 He rapidly concluded that the classical ideal of government by the people was not only impossible but also undesirable on account of the proven ignorance , irrationality and apathy of the people .
28 Of course , German propaganda was keen to emphasize that the ‘ gangsters of the sky ’ had only made the resolve and unity of the people stronger than ever , a point indeed underlined in some SD reports .
29 As we have seen , it is a powerful influence on the actions and activities of the people in the organisation and will be one of the main influences on the attitude to change held by staff .
30 The sizes , shapes and forms of the species in this group are numerous , and their requirements and habits are as varied as their natural habitats .
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