Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [vb base] [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Where data do exist on support between kin across households , this tends in effect to be limited to documenting the networks through which support flowed and the kind of support which was given , and can give very little direct evidence about the underlying structure of social relations which supported these exchanges .
2 Where children do come into care , close contact is maintained with the parents and they have to pay towards the cost of their children 's upkeep according to their means .
3 Thus , although cases do occur of physical incompatibility , these difficulties can often be overcome with some technique or another , and complaint of non-satisfaction in either partner should be viewed with some mistrust until certainly established as due to this reason .
4 The accident estimates from Study 2 as shown in Table 4.6 make it clear that subjects do rely on the precise conditions in the film viewed when making accident estimates for a junction , even though most subjects previously knew the junctions concerned .
5 It is possible that parents do convey to their children that they themselves do not judge and relate to people on the basis of their skin colour , but they should also tell the child that many people in the society do .
6 The frequency and volume of business material , not all of which falls into the legal deposit category , means that gaps do exist in the business collection .
7 The consumer goods that engineers make tend to be the kind of things that people buy when they move house , like cookers and fridges .
8 Some of them hardly bat an eyelid , but explain that quails do migrate over the Sinai peninsula , and that they often settle on the ground in large numbers and can be caught very easily .
9 THE BBC 's Halloween programme Ghostwatch is proof that viewers do react to what they see on TV .
10 In general , however , despite the fact that anachronisms do exist in the published text of the Kanunname , there seems to be good reason for supposing the provisions in it concerning the learned hierarchy to be basically genuine .
11 The root of our belief is that people do care about the places where they live , work and shop , that they are concerned about the devastation meted out to historic towns since the Second World War .
12 The myth is that people do profit from expenses .
13 And we feel that people do need to be trained in these erm cars which have these erm special erm adaptations .
14 Although dislocations do exist in non-metallic crystals they are not usually very mobile and they seldom breed , thus dislocation movement does not play any important part in the way non-metals behave .
15 This study demonstrates that females do differentiate between males on the basis of their sexual ornaments .
16 Another A group perspective is that girls do succeed at what primary schools ask them to do , but that primary schools and teachers fail to prepare them adequately for more advanced mathematics .
17 One might try to construct formal models in which the phrases of ( 15 ) and others receive distinct representations , on the grounds that differences do exist in the types of situation which the phrases correspond to , and indeed such attempts have been made ( cf. for example Kamp , 1975 ) ; but this is quite a different matter from trying to model the syntax by which the phrases are assembled as phrases .
18 Spokespeople will not confirm this , but point out that numbers do fluctuate from year to year .
19 Do you believe in discipline , that children do need to be obedient ?
20 erm Magistrates only send people to prison because they feel the circumstances of the case justify it and erm I think in the public mind erm the criticism is more often the reverse , that Magistrates are too soft , and I 've heard Lord Hailsham say more than once that if we do pay a price for the lay magistrate system it is leniency because what happens , and the difference between the lay magistrate system and the stipendiary system or the Crown Court system is that Magistrates do sit in threes , and what that tends to do is lead to compromises in sentence because discussion between three people irons out extreme views and you do tend to end up with a very well considered compromise view , which probably does tend to be more lenient than a sentence imposed by any one person who might himself take a very serious view of the circumstances .
21 And we were looking at how this top corner of the map related to the surrounding that those those erm reference points east north and west do relate to the open land outside of that .
22 Strict parameters and rules do need to be built into the system early on , whether it is the children or the teacher who sets them .
23 There is a disagreement about whether Marx 's classic account of capitalism , Das Kapital , was an idealised statement about how a perfectly functioning capitalist system ought to function or whether it was a statement about how such societies , economies and states do function in practice .
24 Barak nodded his head vigorously and Bernard let go of his shirt .
25 If birds do look like working their way through a crop , the berries can be picked when still only a deep red colour .
26 Women are paid less than men , and employers do benefit from this .
27 To the extent that interest rates and yields do fall with an expansion of the money supply , people may well hold larger money balances : after all , the opportunity cost of holding that liquidity ( i.e. the interest sacrificed by not holding bonds , etc. ) has been reduced .
28 Switch off appliances such as washing machines and cookers at the socket after use — if kids do fiddle with the knobs , they ca n't turn the machines on .
29 It seems that the Battler and Rico let fly at somebody who was coming out of the back door of the Regal Arms .
30 However , if England do progress beyond the opening round — and with the first two from each group plus the four best third-placed teams going through , it is going to take some wretched performances to fail — they will then travel to Bologna , Genoa or Turin for the second phase , with the prospect of visits to Naples , Rome or Florence in the quarter-finals .
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