Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [vb base] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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31 It is also helpful if it can be shown there have been arm 's length negotiations between management and the institutions and that the price benefit to management ( ie the fact that management acquire control of Newco but pay no more per share than the institutions and/or pay less than 50% of the price for more than 50% of the equity ) derives from those negotiations , rather than from management 's employment by Target .
32 Witnesses were reported to have said that troops set fire to shops , and that tank-fire was directed at houses [ for disorder in Sirnak in March 1992 see p. 38833 ] .
33 It is on Baulk that observers pin responsibility for a dilution of the original AMV brand values .
34 To tell the public , as the critics often do , that testers assume intelligence to be one dimensional is simply to misinform .
35 That becomes clearer , if , fourthly , we notice that ideas have meaning for social actors .
36 And the way to do this is to ensure that libraries stock material of the widest possible range to reflect all opinions .
37 Virtually every other country in Europe does it , Canada and America do it — fines in America are $5,000 , and in Canada the penalty is $3,000 — because all countries recognise that airlines have responsibility in that matter .
38 Cowell and Crothers ( 1970 ) and Crothers ( 1971 ) accepted the basic observation- namely that dog-whelks cease growth at maturity and ( usually ) lay down a row of " teeth " .
39 Far more important , though , is the problem that there is no reason to assume that half-rhymes signify difficulty in organising emotions , or that a formally ambiguous sonnet is particularly " appropriate " to an elegy .
40 While statistics on household expenditure suggest that families give priority to health needs , in practice many mothers find themselves cutting back on basic necessities .
41 Our concern is not the actual refusal rate but to ensure that families have choice on the basis of informed consent .
42 Eastern Europe is predicted to be the only place where the number of poor people as a percentage of the total population will actually grow , although figures ignore poverty in the ‘ developed ’ world altogether .
43 And yet we often find that examinations take place at the very time of year when there is most likelihood of a heatwave .
44 In addition it has been suggested that bureaux make contact with the social worker for the deaf at the local Social Services Department to ensure that the bureau has all the up-to-date information relevant to the deaf .
45 If the NTBs mean that firms face restriction on exports , they can be constrained from reaping economies of scale because they can not expand their output beyond the limits imposed by their domestic market .
46 The idea is that managers derive utility from spending the company 's funds to an extent beyond that necessary for profit maximisation .
47 He realises that Access make money through usury , yet he felt that 25 per cent a month was going the pace a bit .
48 Gedge told The Legend ! in an NME interview in April 1986 : ‘ When we play live I can sometimes come across as glib or arrogant and find that people take exception to what I say when all I 'm trying to do is talk to the audience . ’
49 What 's nice about the weeks , which are graced by the rich and famous including tennis ace Martina Navratilova , is that people return year after year , creating a friendly atmosphere .
50 It is less important that people gain sustenance from philanthropic benevolence than that gestures are seen to be made .
51 A much broader definition of empowerment proposes that people gain control in their own lives in the context of participating with others to change their social and political realities ( Rappaport , 1987 ; Zimmerman and Rappaport , 1988 ) .
52 So , we 'll forget all that , and we 'll just assume that what Freud really meant , was that people have sense of guilt because they 've been socialized to have it .
53 Monetary policy is only likely to be effective , therefore , if the government can ‘ sell ’ it to the people , so that people have confidence in its effectiveness .
54 It is therefore important that practitioners take cognisance of its existence in relation to the needs of elderly people .
55 The Security Council insisted that Iraq allow access by international humanitarian organisations to those in need of assistance , and make available facilities for humanitarian operations .
56 One suggestion is that badgers take advantage of the different temperatures and humidities at different times of the year , and support for this has been provided by Dr Roper 's latest badger research , a radio-tracking study with colleague Sean Christian .
57 They are explicit , in Objective 5 , that users need information for evaluating efficiency and effectiveness .
58 An update facility means that users have access to a system which is continuously available as an in-house , interactive consultancy service .
59 Equally , her study was the first to find that chimpanzees wage war on each other , hunt and eat other animals , and even turn murderously on their own kind .
60 Do you see that as the difference between the way that Americans view philanthropy in the arts as opposed to the way the English view it ?
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