Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [vb base] is [prep] " in BNC.

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1 THERE is a curious idea , a remnant of Victorian broadsheet titillation , echoed today by the popular press and in the pontifications of chief police officers , that police work is about ‘ crime-fighting ’ .
2 Referring to testing I observed that , ‘ a reflex anti-testing reaction would be dismissed as naïve and the sort of soft headedness that hard-liners think is at the root of the problem ’ , but observed that , ‘ effective , constructive , diagnostic testing is expensive and poor testing could distort the curriculum and demoralise learners . ’
3 The final series of the Hudson and Halls show is to be screened by the BBC later this year .
4 As owner of the present home — if Buildings cover is in force .
5 As occupier of the present home and in a personal capacity — if Contents cover is in force .
6 To his/her domestic employees — if Contents cover is in force .
7 As a tenant — if Contents cover is in force .
8 For Irrecoverable Court Awards — if Contents cover is in force .
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