Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [vb base] in [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I shall take these categories one at a time , and simply state what deictic terms or elements occur in them ; but it must always be remembered that every item depends on its use within certain contexts and under certain conditions .
2 Earlier , their last day in Korea featured a visit to the famous Pulguk-sa Buddhist temple , where couples flock in their thousands to celebrate their love .
3 CUT AND THRUST Hughes & Kettner Attax/CF-200 Rack Adding to the mind-boggling maze of equipment available in the never-ending search for the best compact rack setup , Hughes & Kettner add in their few pfennigs worth …
4 Turner , however , also allowed for the possibility that rituals do in themselves provoke strong emotions ; emotions which then have to be directed .
5 A more obvious , but perhaps more important , reason is that animals differ in their strength , and weaker animals will be selected to avoid fights with stronger adversaries .
6 For the scene when Benjamin is trying to get a room key , Nichols suggested that Dustin find in his life what was the most painful thing for him to do that had a sexual connotation , in a public way .
7 Elite autonomy means simply that circumstances exist in which the political elites representing a given social group can bargain on behalf of ‘ their ’ communities without fearing that compromises will lead to their removal and the substitution of a new elite for the social group .
8 This is the money that banks keep in their safes or tills for everyday use .
9 The first quarter figures showed that problems remain in its key consumer electronics market , which used to account for about half the group 's total revenue .
10 That 's fixed but some some of them started off with a a fo a double sided piece of paper which is thrown away with the rest of the garbage that people keep in their houses .
11 Well I mean it 's often things that people do in their spare time the , the record keeping is n't perfect and , and
12 However , many jobs require similar skills , and in respect of engineering and signals , the forces can take advantage of the skills that people acquire in their civilian jobs .
13 Erm I I still feel that there is an element of trust that people have in me , erm because of having lived with them .
14 Their task is to define and record all those terms that clinicians use in their medical records and to ensure that the appropriate Read codes are attached to each term .
15 The assumption is that men live in their father 's family until they have families of their own .
16 Second , that races differ in everything from their moral worth to their mental abilities .
17 I am extremely aware of the important and valuable role that nurses play in my constituency and I want to pay tribute to them .
18 If we look at the look at the role that women play in our society today they have a very heavy burden already placed
19 The difference is that women collude in their subjection .
20 Herzberg , Mausner and Snyderman observe in their study of The Motivation to Work that the provision of better working conditions has the effect of reducing dissatisfaction but not the effect of producing satisfaction .
21 Omens and prodigies abound in his work , so that compared with him Herodotus seems almost modern .
22 The 1x15 is also heavier than the 2x10 ; both combos use a combination of sturdy ½″ and ¾″ ply in their construction , resulting in the 1155's 81 lbs against the 210's 70 lbs .
23 The German Ideology , 1846 The first book where Marx and Engels include in their political writings a thorough analysis of the evolution of society and of pre-capitalist social formations is The German Ideology .
24 La Fille Mal Gardée Ashton 's English comic masterpiece The Cock and Hens squawk in their roost ( The Royal Ballet )
25 Or as Ainscow and Tweddle emphasise in their important book , Preventing Classroom Failure :
26 Great eagles nest in the enchanted hills , and unicorns walk in its sun-dappled glades .
27 The ensuing doctrines of fraud , mistake , duress , undue influence and capacity reflect in their details a particular view of the appropriate operation of the market .
28 The laws of Hlothhere and Eadric appear in their extant version as a single code issued jointly by Hlothhere and Eadric as kings of Kent , but they may represent a conflation of two originally separate sets of laws or even a confirmation by Eadric of the dooms of his uncle .
29 BROAD AND GROOM : Now Amanda AND Simon fit in her wedding skirt
30 The lessons of A Course In Miracles provide many wonderful affirmations such as — ‘ There is nothing to fear ’ , ‘ I could see peace instead of this ’ , ‘ All that I give is given to myself , ‘ All things I think I see reflect ideas ’ , ‘ Let me be still and listen to the truth ’ , ‘ Light and joy and peace abide in me ’ , ‘ Today I will judge nothing that occurs ’ , and ‘ The past is over .
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