Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [vb past] and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It makes the British attitude to planemaking — make it commercial or defence oriented and make it pay PDQ — look plain shortsighted and stupid .
2 Inspired by the coral coasts of Papua New Guinea ( where Liz lived and worked for nine years ) , this aquarium on silk is made by using a rubber-based glue called gutta in the same way that wax is used in the batik process .
3 Where characters appeared and disappeared at random , and the plot was therefore ever-changing and never got anywhere .
4 And as he climbed into the car and started the chilled engine , he had to make a very strong effort indeed to close the door on the compartment of his mind where Marjorie belonged and open wide the door to careful logical thinking about the project and this newest complication .
5 Nevertheless , visiting hours were an ordeal far more to be dreaded than the occasional unattractive things the doctors or nurses came and did to me .
6 Bradbury & Evans published and had a share in HW ; this caused complications when CD quarrelled with them in 1858 , and for AYR he became proprietor and his own publisher , making use of Chapman & Hall as paid agents .
7 In fact , once the evidence that Minos lived and ruled in the Labyrinth at Knossos has been seen as hopelessly insubstantial , it begins to look as if there might have been no king at all .
8 It was in vain that Nicandra cooed and called .
9 There was no light in the window , so Vasilissa knocked and went in .
10 It –vas such an odd and witty little toy that Melanie giggled and stretched out her hand for it , to work it herself .
11 Once Chuck turned and grinned delightedly at her as he paused to mop his brow , and she smiled warmly back .
12 Drab and perhaps a little the worse for wear , sedate in unpretentious boards or cloth , they are cherished far more than copies reclothed and bedecked in elegant calf and morocco .
13 Experience has shown that anomalies arose and had to be addressed and that caused massive administrative complications .
14 Despite the fact that connoisseurs applauded and collected his sumptuously produced , privately printed editions in terms of the designer 's art , his work became unfashionable after 1918 , and appreciation was marred by the poet 's increasingly vilified personal reputation .
15 For all those who thought that homo-eroticism began and ended with Boyz magazine , this photo collection gives a lens-eye view of one Montague Glover , a British Bruce Weber for the Twenties and Thirties ( but without the casting agent , American beefcake or dogs ) .
16 Paleontologists such as Edward Drinker Cope ( 1840–97 ) and Alpheus Hyatt ( 1838–1902 ) argued that evolution was a more purposeful process than Darwin imagined and suggested that Lamarckism would allow living things to play an active role in determining their species ' evolution .
17 Sturdy as the white blancmange that Léonie hated and thought she had left behind in England .
18 It veers from pieces that sound stilted and scripted to free-form passages when the Jamesons hold what they consider to be a conversation .
19 You know that Alastair split and cut these planks on our own saw-bed .
20 When one dhāmi died the god chose another and was embodied in him so that , although dhāmis came and went , the god 's reputation endured .
21 So Constanza went and met her mother halfway at Nice .
22 He looked at Snizort to make sure that Snizort understood and Snizort at once said , ‘ Yes , we had our own governing people in Renascia .
23 People with power and authority who did n't like the things that Jesus said and did , and who tried to threaten him or get him beaten up .
24 It was here that Arthur fought and killed the giant Ritho , a fierce character who lived on the slopes of the mountain and wore a cloak made from the beards of chiefs he had slain .
25 It was the ‘ small ’ things at Uppark that Meg saved and cherished that made it what it so uniquely was — the chair covers , the blankets Prinny pulled up to the portly royal chin , the original wallpapers in the attics where this quiet , remarkable woman worked to such effect .
26 This apparent contradiction is only resolved when we realize that man in his ( sic ) present state is sub-human — ie less than God intended and created .
27 Almost at the same moment that Mary saw and recognised the car , the men in it saw and recognised her !
28 I want you to love and desire me with the same degree of passion that Lucia loved and desired my namesake .
29 She recalled his saying , ‘ I want you to love and desire me with the same degree of passion that Lucia loved and desired my namesake . ’
30 An apparatus that McMillan designed and built to show , with high-speed cinephotography , how normal and diseased heart valves move and the effects of surgery upon them , aided progress in valve surgery throughout the world .
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