Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [vb past] [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 Some of the finest of these were on the walls of Puang Sangalla 's house , where Ranteallo took us the following morning to meet his dead father , and barely alive eighty-seven-year-old mother .
2 And Preston knew that William knew what the rest of them had known , or suspected , for some months : that he and his mother were never going to America and that the Master Sergeant was never coming back .
3 It was at last year 's parade that Elham gave him the idea when she said : ‘ I wish I could enjoy what I am experiencing here , but back in my mind there are too many innocent children left with no hopes and no future .
4 Nor were the books that Edward showed me the kind of thing I would normally have read — not , at least , as anything more than a casual browse among the dustier nooks of human eccentricity .
5 Gazza said : ‘ Some of what he did might have been wrong but I respect the fact that Maradona made himself the player Napoli could n't do without when he was in Italy .
6 It was said that Gertrude gave him the final result .
7 After all , days before the invasion surprised President Bush , his ambassador , presumably not speaking just for herself , told Saddam in so many words that Washington gave him the green light on Kuwait .
8 It was such a desultory question that Ruth gave him the filthiest look she could muster .
9 ‘ What I ca n't understand is that Helen told me the same thing .
10 In January 1872 Cardinal Manning , the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster , talked about the Daemon of Socrates , concluding that Socrates bequeathed us the ‘ lesson — that Conscience is the voice of God ’ .
11 ‘ As we looked at the range of products available , we saw that FCRS offered us the most flexible route as the basic packaged solution that could be easily maintained . ’
12 Adam lost his spiritual purity through eating the forbidden fruit , so God gave him the opportunity to reinstate himself partially through immersion in the original water which came from Eden .
13 He flitted about on this machine ( which obsessed him ) wearing a helmet and goggles so that Gabriel called him The Invisible Man .
14 He tearfully said he only wanted to give the innocent insurance agent a ‘ headache ’ and wept so much in court that police branded him the ‘ cry-baby killer ’ .
15 They would appear from time to time and taunt the old couple , reminding them of their past lives and the failures or mistakes which had brought them to the castle ( though never detailing them — neither Quiss nor Ajayi knew what the other had done to justify sending them here .
16 I have a hunch that Hilary read him the riot act . ’
17 However , as shopping still had to be done , schools reached and roads crossed whatever the road width or traffic volume , accident levels continued to rise and living environments to deteriorate .
18 He was never equal to Self in Citrine 's esteem , and he remained jealous of intervention by Self in matters of engineering and the development of policy on the generation side , for which his background and experience made him the natural senior voice among other engineers and managers .
19 Daddy and Mummy greeted her the next morning .
20 The fact that the transfer of property rights was only partial and conditional gave them the guarantee of security in old age , and the people involved in such transactions were not necessarily children or even relatives .
21 Cos Dr offered me the the other day , a nurse to do my leg .
22 I do n't know if Fenella knew what the Kraken was , but she knew who I meant .
23 During part of the 1830's into the 1840's the Back Strings were investigated and ore worked which the " old men " had left in .
24 He took out his wallet and Reynolds gave him the parcel .
25 They stamped round the sofa and did that tricky bit of acrobatics that Sid and Ethel showed us the other night .
26 Such abilities and equipment gave them the opportunity to make the big evolutionary breakthrough which eventually lead to Homo sapiens .
27 In old age he maintained a relish for life in defiance of tribulations and failing health , and his geniality and goodness made him the centre of a circle of faithful friends and admirers .
28 His loyalty and courage earned him the friendship and confidence of Emperor Conrad III .
29 And daddy gave you the family .
30 Atlantic City 's vast beach and boardwalk made it the American seaside resort of the nineteenth century .
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