Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [vb pp] to [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The tribunal has a limited authority , the correlative of which is the power of the court , on review , to keep that tribunal within the area or field given to it .
2 Is there really anything in common between what was understood by the term in the time of Plato and Pericles and the meaning or meanings given to it nearly two and a half thousand years later ?
3 The temperament we look for in our dog primarily depends on the work or function assigned to him .
4 The dog is given special tablets or capsules added to its food .
5 In addition , employees share the proceeds of company success either through general productivity bonuses or bonuses attributed to their particular section .
6 Several of the new members of the Cabinet were identified in the press as either members of MWANGAZA or parties affiliated to it .
7 The models shown here — a Tele , a Gretsch , a Flying V , an Explorer and a PRS — are just the tip of the iceberg , since Trevor offers a whole range of handmade miniature guitars either off-the-shelf or custom built to your exact specification .
8 If any alterations are made to the contract , or conditions added to it , then such must be initialled by the parties to the contract .
9 The Daily Mirror apologises to Mr O'Connor and regrets any embarrassment or inconvenience caused to him by our original report .
10 ‘ Increasingly , the fragile and vulnerable do not have the time , energy or resources diverted to them because they 're not available in schools .
11 Gift Aid may not be used by a donor as a means of writing of a debt or loan owed to him by the charity .
12 Think of a name or phrase related to your theme .
13 In the unlikely event that we fail to provide you with the services as confirmed to you by us at the time of booking or they are not of a reasonable standard , then we accept responsibility whether caused by our employees , agents or suppliers , save that ( i ) we shall not accept responsibility or liability for death , bodily injury or illness caused to you or others named on your booking form , except as set out below and ( ii ) we limit our responsibility or liability in respect of carriage by air , sea or land to that provided for by the relevant international conventions in respect of such carriage .
14 ( b ) We accept responsibility for death , bodily injury or illness caused to your or others named on your booking form by the negligent act or omission of our employees , agents , suppliers or sub-contractors or of their employees or agent acting within the course or scope of their employment ( other than that of air , sea and land carriers performing any domestic internal or international carriage whatsoever where we limit our liability to that provided for by the relevant international conventions in respect of such carriage ) .
15 6.2 You shall indemnify us from all actions , costs , claims , demands , expenses and liabilities whatsoever resulting from any actual or alleged infringement as aforesaid in Condition 6.1 , and at your own expense will defend or ( at our option ) assist in the defence of any proceedings which may be brought in that connection , provided that you shall be under no liability under Condition 6.1 or this Condition in respect of any infringement as aforesaid occasioned by use of a design or specification supplied to you by us .
16 6.3 No goods covered by orders shall be manufactured sold or disposed by you in violation of any right whatsoever of third parties , and in particular , but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing , of any patent right , trademark or similar right , or of any charge , mortgage or lien , provided that you shall be under no liability under this Condition in respect of a violation as aforesaid occasioned by use of a design or specification supplied to you by us .
17 if we bargained about this issue , or ones related to it before , then the issue is negotiable now
18 Of the teachers we spoke to , two-fifths reported that they had rearranged their furniture , and well over nine-tenths of them had made some kind of change to their classrooms as a direct consequence of suggestions or recommendations made to them as part of the Primary Needs Programme .
19 This seven-headed , four-legged monster also has long tails or rays attached to its back ( fig. 14.28 ) .
20 The anxiety of the papal reformers to put all clergy under a rule shows that experience suggested to them that celibacy could only be enforced on monks or folk living a quasi-monastic life .
21 Signals , sitreps and diaries of the time contain no hint that a massacre had taken place , or that Tito 's Yugoslavs at Bleiburg had in any way breached their assurances to Brig Scott , and this may be regarded as significant in assessing the extent to which 5 Corps subsequently continued to accept Yugoslav assurances that prisoners surrendered to them would not be indiscriminately killed .
22 Last time I met him , he said that words attributed to him in the House had not been words that he had uttered .
23 He is accused of conspiring with Mohammed Haque , a BCCI manager , to mislead the bank 's auditor Price Waterhouse in 1984–85 with documents alleging that companies connected to him owed the bank £2.2m .
24 The widespread influence of Kerschensteiner ensured that reformers referred to him for guidance on the matter .
25 However historically authentic ( or not ) this account may be , what is clear is that Hungarians adhered to it for a thousand years after their arrival in the Danubian plain at the beginning of the tenth century .
26 To Constanza it was an end , an end then and there — the sole fact that it happened , that people consented to it happening , men sent out , actually going out to hurt and kill , systematically destroy one another 's homes and lives and loved ones , the folly of it , the beastliness , the pain ; the strange mad illusion that any of this , under any aspect , any theology , any ideal , could be right — the staggering , inconceivable , immediate , ultimate , concrete wrongness of it all .
27 The latter has no interest in sorting material beyond seeing that items addressed to you arrive at their right destination .
28 The food industry generally has a clear responsibility to ensure that food supplied to its customers is safe .
29 Her investments provided her with an annual income of well over a million dollars , in addition to the trusts and investments left to her directly by her husband .
30 And the destruction continues even now as Third World countries are devastated by the highly processed , chemicalized food and agriculture exported to them by the West .
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