Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [coord] [noun pl] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But I was surprised because the songs are so good that even when they 're getting massacred by cats and dogs or Germans or Russians they still stand up .
2 Your application , CV , letter of appointment and job description all deserve to be kept , as well as any document containing contract terms or rules and procedures which affect you directly or indirectly .
3 Mr Nordin says : ‘ When you make an international phone call , you do n't worry what network or exchange or lines your voice travels over — you just use a logical address , the telephone number , to reach the person you want to talk to .
4 ‘ Any uncles or aunts or grannies who would come and see you ? ’
5 if it shall appear by the record of the books , rolls and memoranda of his court , or by ancient perambulations , or by any other sufficient evidence , that any royal demesnes , or lands or woods which were in the forests before the time of Henry II , had been excluded by the late perambulations , then they shall be re-afforested .
6 Moreover , many of them had brothers or fathers or sons who were free : it was part of a household deployment of people to spread them among occupations for mutual security and utility .
7 If you receive board ( e.g. breakfast ) or attendances or services you may be an Assured Tenant .
8 Cannigione is idea for expert windsurfers who want to try dinghy sailing , or intermediates and experts who are gamblers enough to trade the possibility of 6 days howling wind with the equal possibility of being hit with 8 days of pleasant summer breezes !
9 This assumes that patterns and trends which can be identified in past ( historical ) sets of data may be projected forward , especially under stable economic , market and organisational conditions , for the purpose of forecasting perhaps up to one year ahead .
10 It is further recognised that words or gestures which may be tolerable to some people may be deeply offensive or threatening to others .
11 Although schools and teachers I visited may not always have been able to produce copies of the official syllabus , everyone had copies of previous years ' questions and were assiduously preparing children to sit for the current examination .
12 This suggests that books or articles which are important to your project should be read more than once ( early on , and then again later in your study ) .
13 In practice this means they can borrow more cheaply than banks and thrifts which , being unable to compete with them , have increasingly decided to join them .
14 He proposes that conditions and facilities which prisoners are given routinely should be described as ‘ normal expectations ’ , not ‘ privileges ’ .
15 Jose also pointed out that editors and journalists who had defied restrictions or offended powerful men had been punished , and he wryly quoted the memorable and often-repeated remark of the famous Kenyan editor George Githii :
16 Now this is a good idea , and in fact there 's a fair amount of circumstantial evidence that geologists and astronomers who know something about the earth 's atmosphere have looked into to suggest that this is quite a feasible mechanism for the formation of prebiotic molecules .
17 The last problem identified in the classic or colonial model is that cultivators and pastoralists who cause soil erosion are insufficiently involved in the market economy .
18 In his book Inside The Over-The-Counter Market , Tom Wilmot , chairman of the best-known licensed dealer Harvard Securities , offers the following definition : " Effectively companies other than stockbrokers or jobbers which are licensed … to carry on the business of dealing in securities . "
19 He made an arrangement which , he claimed , would make him far richer than generals and admirals who led armies and fleets , a Trust Deed by which his assets were assigned to Trustees who made all the payments to creditors on the lines of that set up for Emma Hamilton .
20 It is not surprising that practitioners and lecturers who have followed Brian Way 's philosophy for all their professional lives feel very threatened .
21 In analysing the new acting Ferguson was nearer the mark when he suggested that the movies were now coming up with richer and more vital people but Daugherty 's comments serve to remind us that techniques and styles which should have been feeding into a new cinema of experimentation and realism were being used rather to bolster old conventions of melodrama .
22 It may be that friends and relatives who are less affected by the death of the family member , could give some special attention to the children who are wanting to be comforted and to be told what is going on .
23 The Federal Constitutional Court ruled on April 23 that landowners and industrialists whose property was expropriated during the Soviet occupation of eastern Germany in 1945-49 did not have a right to its return , and that this was not counter to clauses in the federal Constitution on the right to property and equal treatment before the law .
24 Some of the recent arguments in favour of involving computers in the task of investigating crime are that links or patterns which would otherwise have been missed or overlooked may be cap-tured .
25 Their immune systems are so damaged that colds and bugs which normally take a few days to clear can take weeks or months .
26 By laying down tight guidelines and clear methods of instruction the state could more easily monitor success and at the same time ensure that doctrines and ideas which the party felt to be unacceptable could be excluded from the school curriculum .
27 Indeed , I have found that students and businessmen who are using this technique for the first time tend to get confused between the two axes .
28 Does she agree that haemophiliacs and others who are given contaminated blood transfusions receive them from the national health service ?
29 That 's the language that politicians and others who have powerful position use in order to make the most of their authority .
30 She was convinced that sailors and tourists she saw were his emissaries , sent to proclaim his love for her .
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