Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [adv] [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 She displays how to build living structures of pictorial importance by weaving individual dancers or groups deliberately and solemnly so that they frequently pause in a meaningful picture of distinctive shape .
2 any accident loss damage or liability directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from nuclear weapons material
3 any accident loss damage or liability directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from nuclear weapons material
4 There 's nothing quite like having breakfast , dinner or tea outside or even stealing a quiet nap in the sun .
5 Just dined an officer or diplomat now and again .
6 Everywhere is one is made aware of this , whether walking on the vast beaches with the oceans of sky above , or in a friendly market town where orange pantiles brush blues or greys beyond but never totally obscure .
7 If only the police and the criminal could reach an agreement on punishment or rehabilitation there and then , the sergeant sometimes thought , justice would more often be done .
8 Yeah and that 's what I put call this number now , all credit cards accepted and that was it and then stop and oh and have you tried the new so and so , buy it now or phone so and so , all credit cards accepted .
9 A powerful melodic line in the middle of the orchestral mass with accompanying chords or figures above and below it , sustained or detached .
10 Three-quarters of all activities were ones carried out by the husband or wife alone or together with other members of the household .
11 The contest forced all to copy the process in part or whole sooner or later ; State formation spread eastwards .
12 Re-apply sunscreen or sunblock liberally and often
13 The OALD examples have been specially written to give the learner the greatest possible help in using the relevant word or phrase correctly and confidently .
14 Therefore , you are bound to feel thwarted , frustrated as well as exhausted at the moment — quite unable to get your point or message across and still in two minds regarding certain plans and moves .
15 This is why it is unusual to catch measles or chicken-pox more than once , and why immunization and vaccination are effective in preventing various diseases .
16 We say ‘ everyone is entitled to his beliefs ’ , recognising the nastiness of a world which will not tolerate alternative beliefs , but over-looking the fact that some beliefs are nonsense and deserve to be called prejudice , bigotry or superstition rather than merely belief .
17 But then the same would be true if you stayed in and watched Thelma & Louise instead and actually had a good time , would n't it ?
18 His premiership appeared not so much to be running out as running down , Few believed that when he came back in the autumn he would be able to do more than coast gently and desultorily along for another six months .
19 What happened was that speakers gradually and variably began to use open [ α : ] in environments where [ a : ] had formerly been used : the process was one of substitution rather than change sensu stricto .
20 It must be something of the sentiment that inspired the war poets , enduring indescribable ugliness — the mutilation and destruction of people and places amongst the fragile flowers that nature silently but abundantly proffered in the stench , decay and squalor of the trenches .
21 Realistically , there may be little prospect of making better progress than this so long as the systems themselves remain largely no more than promises rather than commercially available products .
22 There is obviously a complicated relationship between what is printed in the newspapers and what people come to believe , and we would not wish to suggest that people passively and uncritically absorb all that they read there .
23 We thought that Jerusalem sooner or later would be an international city .
24 I should perhaps say a little about how I came to think this way : that the key to educational change is in the stance that teachers individually and collectively adopt towards change .
25 The fact is that disciples then and now may well ‘ have the Holy Spirit ’ and yet not have ‘ received the fullness ’ of the Holy Spirit .
26 Unemployment of registered disabled is always at a much higher rate than unemployment generally and so the recession has severely damaged the chances of large numbers of disabled people obtaining work .
27 It was from a firm understanding that everyone is capable of expressing and communicating ideas , through the arts that Basil quietly but firmly challenged existing views .
28 So ‘ every brewer and his auntie ’ , as one nablab marketer puts it , rushed headlong to brew up — many with foul-tasting and ill-researched products that consumers quickly and rightly rejected .
29 In business sales cases the conflicting public interests are that a man is not at liberty to deprive himself or the community of his labour and expertise unreasonably and yet he must have a freedom to sell his business for the best price ; which may be only obtainable if he precludes himself from entering into competition with the purchaser ( see James VC in Leather Cloth Co v Lorsont ( 1869 ) LR 9 Eq 354 ) .
30 Atholl brose honey whiskey oatmeal double cream Heat honey and whisky together until just blended .
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