Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [adj] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Agreement operates only between the Insurers of the vehicles and/or drivers concerned in the incident .
2 Certain powers or direction available to the Treasury in the E & AD Acts are obsolete and should be removed in any new legislation .
3 This is an absolute treasure house for any editor or writer unsure of a common foreign phrase , an abbreviation , or the spelling of a tricky name — which means all of us at one time or another .
4 Any member or creditor aggrieved by the dissolution can apply within the following 20 years for restoration of the company name on the grounds that the company was in fact continuing to operate , or that it would otherwise be just to do so ( s 653 , Companies Act 1985 ) .
5 " Original " is liberally interpreted in copyright law ; however , the requirement that the topography is not commonplace is likely to lead to a much narrower interpretation ( see the discussion of C & H Engineering v F Klucznik & Sons Ltd. in the previous Chapter ) .
6 Exported by Thos Agnew & Sons Ltd to the Getty Museum at £6,470,000 .
7 Again the motivation is more likely to arise if the choices are real and begin from propositions or activities acceptable to the student .
8 The result of the application of the test will establish entitlement to advice free of charge ; or entitlement subject to a contribution ; or disentitlement .
9 However , loss or damage due to the fault of the guest is not within the scope of the innkeeper 's liability .
10 To put it another way , the risk which under section 20 passes with property ( i.e. which falls upon the owner ) does not include the risk of loss or damage due to the other party 's negligence .
11 Over other property of an infant , neither parents nor guardians have now — if they ever had — any effective powers , except such as a will or settlement or an order of the court may give them ; they can not , for instance , give a valid receipt for a legacy or money payable to the child .
12 Graphical analysis of the response of any nonlinear network can be achieved through its terminal static characteristic or characteristics irrespective of the magnitudes of the signals involved .
13 She identifies five types of knowledge which she found common to different specialisms , including knowledge of legislation , of statutory and departmental policy and procedure , of statutory and voluntary resources , of patterns or syndromes specific to the group , and , where work was multi-disciplinary , of the value systems and work processes of the other occupational groups .
14 These freight forwarders frequently act either as carriers in their own right when they consolidate multiple shippers ' cargo and hire space on the vessel or vessels involved in the maritime leg of the journey .
15 For Branson did not appear pompous , overbearing , practised or City-Slicker smooth in the manner of other captains of industry .
16 A character may be equipped with any of the weapons or armour available to the ordinary troops in the list .
17 A character may be equipped with any of the weapons or armour available to the ordinary troops in the list .
18 In his speech to the Arab summit in Baghdad Arafat calls upon other Arab states to impose economic sanctions on countries or companies involved in the transfer of Jews to Arab lands .
19 In a radio and television broadcast marking independence day on Aug. 19 , President Najibullah proposed talks between government officials and the mujaheddin " in the presence of the representatives of a third neutral side " — in effect " under the auspices of the UN or countries interested in the Afghan problem " .
20 Further refinement can be achieved by trying to pose questions or hypotheses relevant to the content .
21 Already rationalised by Babbage , it was later given its most explicit and systematic expression by F.W. Taylor , whose project was to eliminate the autonomy of the worker by appropriating for management any remaining knowledge or skill involved in the direct production process , to analyse and codify the components of the labour process and thereby to permit the management to lay down standard rules for the expenditure of labour power .
22 : the computer has no knowledge of the biology or chemistry involved in the digestive process , and hence no conception of the way in which the intake of food satiates hunger ;
23 It would be nice to imagine the reader , having ingested the reader , having ingested the above , musing , ‘ Oh , I never thought of that ’ — which is , after all , the response elicited by all cultural commentators — but I have no illusions that I 'm teaching anything to the individual or individuals responsible for the original design .
24 The name catalogue is usually , but not always , on cards filed alphabetically under the author , editor , institution or body responsible for the work .
25 Many more are dealt with ( often much more cheaply and quickly ) by direct , informal complaint to the official , department or body concerned by the aggrieved citizen , or by some body on his or her behalf such as an MP , local councillor , union , pressure or interest group , or other voluntary organization .
26 This case was decided under the Trade Descriptions Act 1968 , the defendant being acquitted of applying a false trade description because the sale was not in the course of a trade or business due to the absence of regularity .
27 As fast as the packages are unloaded they are checked with the consignment notes , trundled off to weighing machines for their weight to be recorded , and are then conveyed to the decks or platforms convenient to the spot where they will be loaded later in the day .
28 Similarly , guests who have booked half or full board may miss a meal on arrival or departure due to the timing of the flight .
29 This novel way of selling means participating companies can offer vendors another option to selling through the fat cattle ring or deadweight direct to the abattoir .
30 The person or organisation responsible for the development of the module .
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