Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [noun pl] had been " in BNC.

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1 Probably the loudest chorus of complaint came from North Wales , where Liverpool children had been billeted : thus Lord Wyndham ( Civil Defence Regional Commissioner for Wales ) wrote to the President of the Board of Education on 25 October 1939 that :
2 During the interview , MacKie was asked to explain why nearly two million Shanks & McEwan shares had been sold with ‘ indecent haste ’ , after a meeting with the company 's chairman and if he had been told that Shanks & McEwan were going to issue a profits warning to the stock market .
3 At the same time the Secretary of State gave notice that for certain categories of crime where life sentences had been passed , the offenders could expect to spend at least 20 years in prison .
4 It was noted that SPLA forces had been weakened both by internal divisions [ see pp. 38426 ; 38666 ] and by the May 1991 change of government in Ethiopia , which had meant that they could no longer operate from bases there .
5 The raid by the RUC 's C13 anti-racketeering squad last week is understood to have been mounted following a complaint by a businessman that money demands had been made on him .
6 It is now generally appreciated that Warner Bros had been particularly badly hit by the depression , largely because of the furious rate at which they had acquired movie-houses in the 1920s .
7 Six months ago the council called in the police to investigate claims that building materials had been misappropriated for private use .
8 A six-month investigation by the Securities Exchange Commission revealed that building bricks had been packaged and sent to distributors , then charged as stock in transit .
9 Brandon J. noted that Mareva injunctions had been made to provide security for the payment of any award which the plaintiff might obtain in the arbitration , and he saw ‘ no good reason ’ against this practice .
10 Prime Minister Oscar de la Puente Raygada of the " national and emergency " government , installed following the presidential coup of April 5 [ see pp. 38846-47 ] , confirmed on June 27 that opposition parties had been invited " separately " , and not as a bloc , to participate in a dialogue on the country 's political future starting on June 30 .
11 In the run-up to the elections Fujimori sought to present himself to the public as the defender of democracy , claiming that opposition politicians had been behind a coup attempt on Nov. 13 aimed at preventing the CCD elections from taking place and restoring the 1979 Constitution .
12 Bakut reported on Aug. 30 that NPFL forces had been observed around Monrovia and appeared to be preparing for " hostilities " .
13 The cotton weavers of Lancashire made a similar point in 1799 when claiming that piece rates had been more than halved since 1792 .
14 It expressed concern , however , that UN bodies had been unable to carry out measures mandated for the 1988-89 biennium due to lack of funds .
15 ‘ On July 12 Lord Young confirmed that tax agreements had been made with the Inland Revenue , and there had been an exchange of letters ‘ on terms satisfactory to BAe ’ . ’
16 Yesterday 's inquest was told that Legionella bacteria had been found in the heart unit 's hot water system after Mrs Ormerod had gone home .
17 This was reflected in an interesting phenomenon noticed by Mellanby : many school medical officers in safe urban reception areas were insistent that head lice had been virtually unknown in their area until the dirty , verminous and ill-mannered inner city evacuees arrived ; they were shocked when confronted with past hospital records for their town showing that this was not so .
18 He said that credit costs had been rising partly as a reaction to global inflationary fears , but that the current high interest rates were necessary and appropriate and were a way of keeping inflation in check .
19 Although crew cuts had been around forever , all-over short hair of ½″ or less started in about '64 & was a conservative-suit-mod staple until '68 when it went even shorter — ¼″ and less & in '69 near-shaven styles ( baldness never caught on ) ½″ or so of hair in the 60s was not as noteworthy as a backward glance might suggest — because long hair got all the publicity , you 'd think that everyone below 25 grew their hair long .
20 However , Andreas Toft Fensvig , managing director of Danske Slagterier , the Danish co-operative of producers and slaughterhouses , suggested that welfare considerations had been overstated .
21 Guatemala had signed the accession protocol in April [ see p. 38259 ] ; formal membership came 30 days after the notification that ratification procedures had been completed .
22 On March 27 , 1990 , the human rights organization Amnesty International cited strong evidence that MTP members had been tortured , illegally executed and had disappeared while in military custody .
23 In some localities trouble had undoubtedly been expected at the time of the Bank Holiday , and it was reported in Lambeth police court that plainclothes men had been specially stationed for the purpose of dealing with cases of street ruffianism' .
24 The previous Congress Party government tried to lay part of the blame on Pakistan , saying that Khalistan terrorists had been trained and armed across the frontier .
25 The previous Congress Party government tried to lay part of the blame on Pakistan , saying that Khalistan terrorists had been trained and armed across the frontier .
26 Lord Finlay however concluded that treaty rights had been incurred on behalf of Poland .
27 But he added that government departments had been asked to complete forms and return them to the Treasury .
28 The grand jury was also understood to have begun investigating allegations that city contracts had been granted to friends of Barry in return for drugs and other payments , and the possibility that further charges would be filed was not ruled out .
29 Earlier this month Michael Fallon ( the Conservative candidate ) said claims that training budgets had been cut were simply untrue .
30 Earlier this month Michael Fallon ( the Conservative candidate ) said claims that training budgets had been cut were simply untrue .
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