Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They have already had a ‘ frank exchange of views ’ with the ACOC over the International Village , a poor assortment of marquees which have cost AT & T a small fortune in sponsorship rights .
2 16–8- It was agreed to purchase from Paterson & Sons a second hand Harmonium at £20 .
3 THE FRANK & WALTERS The deep thoughts beneath the clownish guise of the best ever cabaret band to come out of Cork …
4 On the return journey to canton Bern some people may , for variety , choose to take by road or rail the faster route from Luzern to Bern ( or Thun ) by way of the Emmental .
5 And in a one-roomed flat or apartment a large bed placed in the middle of the room can be used as an island lounging unit .
6 Or course the sawn-off shotgun he was reloading was a bit of a giveaway , though .
7 The fire engulfed five storeys of building where Alloprene a rubber compound added to paint is produced .
8 A husband , for instance , may fail to realise that he has given his career or ministry a higher priority than his wife .
9 So long as Americans pay outrageous sums for cocaine , traffickers will continue to let enough crumbs trickle down to the farmers to make growing coffee or citrus an unattractive alternative .
10 He states : ‘ The most persistent theme of this work will be the thought that for most people at most times the expressive order dominates or shapes the practical order . ’
11 He assumes whatever gain or loss the entire futures contract makes .
12 His harmonic conception , founded on the example of Clifford Brown and Freddie Hubbard , was unalloyed bop , and as such derivative , but he played with great facility and imagination within those boundaries , and never faltered in his articulation , however fast the tempo or complex the harmonic sequence .
13 It is also useful to note that , in general , a molecule has one bond stretching mode per bond , although in systems with rings or cages the stretching motions are not always described so simply .
14 But he was very kind , and brought me all the M & B tablets he could find , with instructions to get you back to bed , and to keep you from other children , and give you M & B every four hours until you were sick , and then try them again very slowly .
15 Even Jim could n't have fixed it for Gideon to be a military hero , or Moses a great leader , or Peter to be a rock-like dependable person , or Jeremiah a powerful preacher ; but God could and did .
16 Or cloy the hungry edge of appetite by bare imagination of a feast , Kelly , eggs over easy s'il vous plait ! ’
17 If , you carried out experiments with plant or equipment the detailed readings you took must be retained in their original and dated form .
18 When they engage in partnership activities with a company or companies the commercial aspects of their activities are often overlooked or under-rated .
19 Neither is upward mobility , rising income or independence a necessary consequence of their diligence .
20 If you want a more definite pattern or motif the easiest method to achieve this is to use a stencil .
21 Some support for this interpretation may be found in the fact that section 5 affords a speaker or actor the specific defence that he was unaware and had no reason to suspect that his conduct may have been witnessed , and it would be anomalous if there were no similar defence for the more serious offence .
22 Thus , if we know of an author who wrote a very good book or article a few years ago on our chosen topic we can look up his name to see if anyone has been citing that article recently .
23 The division of Glamorgan allowed each of the former county boroughs to be placed in a separate county though in terms of total area or population a unified Glamorgan would not be unusual in an English context .
24 This sense of deprivation has spilled over into civil conflict or war a sufficient number of times for it to be a continuing threat , or an on-going reality as in Chad , Sudan , Ethiopia , Burundi , Uganda and Somalia .
25 Erm I E an increase in attraction or approval the other person .
26 In those events in which definite hypoxaemia ( falls in both Sao 2 and skin po 2 ) was identified and in which there was no evidence of epileptic seizure or suffocation the precise mechanism remains uncertain .
27 Erm a , Miss , Mr or Mr the new deputy .
28 This analysis shows up a further difference between choices of means and of ends ; the former start from facts publicly testable by objective criteria , the latter from the look and feel of things tested privately and subjectively , by assuming in experience or imagination the relevant viewpoint in the fullest awareness available , and discovering how one does respond .
29 In small modern homes or flats a single colour scheme in different types of carpets can create a sense of space and continuity through the home .
30 In cancer , for instance , the pain may be purely nociceptive early on , but if the tumour begins to damage a nerve by pressure or invasion the resulting pain must have a neuropathic element .
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