Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [modal v] be [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 The entire process is repeated M times ( where M may be up to 100 ) .
2 Or people could be up within
3 Well wo n't there be Charlie or Bob will be in ?
4 I am sure , however , that Jim will be back competing hard for a place in the Walker Cup side at Portmarnock .
5 Forty years of extremely limited progress in the sphere suggest that optimism would be out of place .
6 I was hoping that Steinmark would be back on Monday but I 'm afraid that you will have to carry on the best you can .
7 After that the question of Julia 's lunch was settled and she went straight back to the Campo San Maurizio to warn Annunziata that neither she nor David would be in for dinner .
8 Between now and December , the company estimates that revenue will be down by a million pounds .
9 She knew that neither Jasper nor Bert would be up early , but made herself get up in time to join Jim for tea and cornflakes .
10 But we are reliably informed that Angus will be back on his feet and more importantly that seat tomorrow .
11 Miller , speaking from Jersey where Hibs beat an island select 6-0 last night , confirmed that Budgie will be back in goal if Reid fails to recover from the ankle injury that forced him out of the trip .
12 Thierry has declared his support for Dallapiccola ; but there are signs that Pugachev may be about to break off his ‘ Long Courtship ’ of Guizot .
13 Otherwise there is a danger that dissonance may be out of place , or be excessive for the context , or may occur at unexpected moments in a different harmonic mood .
14 I see in today 's papers that Batty will be back in the team for tomorrow , does this mean that Wilko will drop Fairclough or Newsome or will he let Rocky go back to the bench and play essentially a back 6 ?
15 But there are rumours that France might be about to renege on its decision and Holland , which voted yesterday , is understood to have gone to Coopers .
16 The key here is that Major may be about to achieve in government what Thatcher never did — indeed , she never tried to achieve it .
17 I remember seeing Gary Speed on Football Focus before the Chelsea game saying that Strachan should be back from injury ‘ soon ’ .
18 Pouring herself a large brandy , she booked a call to Northumberland , hoping that Nora would be out .
19 In 1944 it took courage to write so favourably about Pound ; and it may even be that Phyllis Bottome foresaw , and was trying to guard against , the peril that Pound would be in as soon as hostilities should be over .
20 The newspaper will often be " put to bed " the day before the publication date , so that material should be in by then .
21 This new voice persists : The bits and bobs will be down there all right , happily rotting away .
22 In tomorrow 's lunchtime Scotland Today Kevin Kline talks about stardom and fatherhood , and Shereen , Kirsty and Jim will be back at six thirty with the most watched news programme in Scotland .
23 And he has some pertinent , if hardly startling , things to say about future constraints which car designers and manufacturers will be up against .
24 Let's go inside cos Joelle will be back soon We 'll go and say hello Joelle .
25 The Brownings and Ferdinando would be back in June so it would be best to go at once , when it would be more likely that her absence would be looked on leniently .
26 But she and Jonathon should be back at school and Victoria starting at the village junior and mixed infants democratically this term .
27 When enterprises plan their production on the criterion of profitability they are only honouring their obligation to their shareholders — — to earn them a reasonable return on their money — and if those shareholders are institutions which are in turn merely trustees of the people 's savings … well , evidently notions of class struggle and exploitation must be out of date .
28 This close to Christmas it would be packed solid and I doubted if Eddie would be out on time , but I was n't going to risk it .
29 Well let mummy fasten your shoes first and Grant 'll be in from school in a few minutes .
30 The US and USSR may be down to 20 or 30 centimetres .
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