Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [pron] is [art] " in BNC.

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1 In addition to the power associated with positions and functions or units there is a network of control mechanisms which influence our behaviour on a day-to-day basis .
2 Solicitors ' Practice Rule 14 requires solicitors who wish to provide structural surveys or formal property valuations to ensure that : ( 1 ) the work is carried out by a principal or employee who is a chartered surveyor or who holds another professional qualification approved by the Council of the Law Society ; and ( 2 ) an appropriate additional contribution is paid to the Solicitors ' Indemnity Fund ( see Chapter 12 ) .
3 Will-gill ( or he-she ) — an alternative name for a morphadate ( hermaphrodite ) , a cart or vehicle which is an amalgam of a wagon and a tumbril .
4 And this is the beginning of an essay which answers it : The significance of the title of " The Captain 's Doll " is its use as a central symbol or motif which is the organizing principle for the whole story .
5 There is a requirement in the rules to notify the Society on Form MNP before any investment business is conducted by , or under the supervision of , a partner or director who is an RFL ; and to inform the Society if an RFL has become or ceased to be a partner or director in a firm having the benefit of an investment business certificate .
6 For those who require attendance either by day or night there is a lower rate allowance .
7 When you first start to use a program like Ventura or PageMaker there is a period of rapid learning where the basic concepts of the composition program start to become familiar .
8 To those who framed the US National Wilderness Preservation System , a wilderness was an area which ‘ appears to have been primarily affected by the forces of nature … where man himself is a visitor who does not remain . ’
9 An idea or statement which is the opposite of another : He is happy but not rich is the converse of He is rich but not happy .
10 Here Gandhi is reinterpreting the traditional notion of mok a or liberation which is the pursuit of individual salvation or mok a by the practice of austerities ( tapas ) and the renunciation of all involvement in the affairs of the empirical realm .
11 It is assumed that they will act responsibly , and if there is maladministration or corruption there is the right of appeal to the ombudsman or the courts , though in practice this is of limited use .
12 If you have a horse or pony there is a lot of events which you could go to and take part in .
13 Dataease is the market leader in relational databases , although not as well known as Dbase or FoxPro it is an extremely popular product with both corporate and hobbyist user .
14 Writing to Poole in April 1799 , when the Cruikshanks had gone , he remarked that ‘ excepting yourself & Mother there is no human being attached to us & few who do not dislike us ’ .
15 The addressee is the hearer or reader who is the recipient of the utterance .
16 At least New Order do n't pretend to be anything other than musicians which is an honest statement for once .
17 The knocked-down kit with options costs £20,640 ( as opposed to £19,252 for the almost-built version quoted in the back of this magazine ) , but because of its rare nature and the fact that Caterham itself is the sole official sales outlet , gaining an accurate reflection of the car 's true worth is by no means an easy process .
18 Both the book entitled For Marx , and Althusser 's essay in Reading Capital are elaborate interpretations of Marx 's views , and this fact is not explained by the simple observation that Althusser himself is a Marxist , anxious to give an account of the theory of history to which he is politically committed .
19 Nothing in this article negates the evidence that poverty itself is a major contributor to ill-health .
20 The terms are of no great importance , and do little more than mark what is the incontrovertible fact of the duality within conscious episodes as we recall them .
21 The colour of the duns varies from dark to silvery pale dun , and in fact is dun rather than red which is the common recessive in the breed and which could suggest a link with Scandinavia , where dun was a common colour .
22 The NCC agrees that in nearly all British freshwaters it is phosphate rather than nitrate which is the limiting factor in controlling eutrophication and that a phosphate directive is required to deal more effectively with it .
23 Through it all runs the most noble assumption — that no human need be daunted by the stature even of a genius such as Shakespeare , that his wisdoms and magics are for us all and that Johnson himself is an eager and willing guide .
24 As the different alcoholic beverages have not been shown to cause different diseases it is possible that alcohol itself is the most harmful component of the beverages .
25 Little direct evidence exists , however , to support the initial proposal that PYY itself is the mediator of the ‘ ileal brake ’ reflex .
26 Those who think that Jenny herself is a little dull at times might conclude that Patrick has impaled himself on that point , like one of those Romans whose language he used to teach .
27 Consider also if cc occurred then , even if there also occurred any change x logically consistent with cc and e , it was also the case that e occurred-which is the first part of the independent conditional in ( 5 ) .
28 But Fromm interprets it as a conflict between matriarchy and patriarchy ; Jung sees it as a story of ethical conflict between laziness and duty ; and Ferenczi argues that Oedipus himself is a phallic symbol since his name means literally ‘ swollen-foot ’ .
29 If he does , the result will be interpreted as long-awaited proof that Formula One is the world 's leading motor racing formula — a belief given added weight by Indycar champion Michael Andretti 's disastrous showing in his debut at the South African Grand Prix last weekend .
30 Similarly , the notion of social development through increasing differentiation and individuation has had a considerable place in later sociological theories , although its political implications have been judged in diverse ways ; from one aspect social differentiation may be seen as creating a mutual dependence of individuals and groups which is a fundamental element in a stable democratic system , while from another aspect ( as in Durkheim 's theory ) it may be regarded as a danger to the political order if it leads to excessive individualism , and then needs to be checked by a moral consensus embodied in the state .
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