Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [prep] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If there is no qualifying interest in possession s48(4) ( b ) states that if it can be shown that all known persons for whose benefit the settled property or income from it has been or might be applied or who are or might become beneficially entitled to an interest in possession are persons neither domiciled nor ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom the gilt relief will be applicable .
2 The witness concerned should explain that he had a good unobstructed view of the traffic lights and that they were at red when the vehicle or part of it passed them .
3 A forfeiture order should be on Form N 27 , or where the property or part of it consists of premises subject to the Rent Acts on Form N 27(1) or ( 2 ) , or if the order is made on breach of covenant , other than covenant to pay rent , on Form N 27 adapted .
4 Generally the rest of this phrase means that the offence is committed if the vehicle or part of it proceeds past the traffic lights on the left or nearside of the approaching vehicle .
5 Occasionally the sight or smell of it nauseated me , and I found certain smells , like those of bread or sugar or chocolate , overpowering .
6 Where space beside the house or access past it do not exist , your last resort is to site a garage in your front garden , but this may spoil the appearance of the front of your house ( and may also be unacceptable to the local planning authorities — see RULES AND REGULATIONS ) .
7 In such models one finds that as the universe expands , any matter or radiation in it gets cooler .
8 ‘ Mr Larkin writes here that it is always true that the idea for a poem and a snatch or line of it come simultaneously .
9 No amount of display or pomp is going to increase it , or lack of it detract .
10 And my disposition or lack of it has nothing whatever to do with you !
11 This created the conditions which were to set the pattern of religious justification for strife for centuries to come , and there is little doubt that nearly all , if not all wars in historic time have had some kind of religion or ‘ god ’ put forward as requiring the human race , or parts of it to engage in bloodshed and misery .
12 Can a major part of a church be demolished without consent on the grounds that part of it remains in ecclesiastical use ?
13 There have n't been any major er , examples of er , bed blocking in , in the , in the county , so that part of it seems to have worked er , smoothly .
14 In 1779 the correspondence relating to the Family Compact agreement of 1761 with Spain could not be found there , so that copies of it had to be obtained from Madrid , though the comte de Vergennes , as foreign minister in 1774 – 87 , seems to have made efforts to achieve greater efficiency .
15 Having read the article , I admit that aspects of it caused my eyebrows to rise .
16 Bass frets take a fair old hammering and , as David mentioned in the guitar review , we ca n't accurately gauge their potential life , so that side of it remains to be seen .
17 The free edge of the epidermis has clearly moved in over the marked wound mesenchyme , leaving less than 10% of it exposed by this stage .
18 IT SEEMS only yesterday that falsetto singing was such an oddity that mention of it surfaced in a Marx Brothers film in order to give Chico Marx a chance to observe , ‘ My aunt , she got-a falsetto teeth ’ .
19 However , the non-markers again included the three informants who read very little science fiction , and the fact that the phrase occurs towards the end of the passage suggests that readers have become accustomed to the science fictional discourse model to the extent that elements of it display diminishing values of foregrounding .
20 But it is , to my mind , a much more dangerous and insidious type of fiction than Dallas for it poses as an exercise in statutory construction , when in fact it is nothing of the sort .
21 A guide to the vast literature on Merton 's thesis will be found in the bibliographic essay , but it is important to note that variants of it have survived intense criticism .
22 In the home however , they soon adapt to their owner 's timetable , often to the extent that deviations from it induce erratic behaviour which can develop into a full-blown eating disorder .
23 War was officially declared on the third of September nineteen thirty nine , although preparations for it had begun as earlem
24 These groups represent a minority opinion , she suggests , and it is up to the NVALA and groups like it to defend and reassert ‘ traditional ’ values before humanism takes a grip of society generally , rather than just at the BBC where it is viewed as already having a stranglehold .
25 Accounting errors were to blame for eight kg , but the plant was shut down and part of it cleaned out to find the rest .
26 The department co-operates with Oxford Brookes University in teaching a new Master 's course in Historic Conservation ; the course is modular in form , and part of it entitles students to a certificate awarded by the department .
27 President , Congress , the introduction in the C E C statement is a laudable one and part of it states , and I quote , the G M B and others have asserted that reform means democratizing and strengthening the links by giving direct votes to individual union members .
28 ‘ And should any other prince or captain , Christian or infidel , of whatever law or sect or condition he may be , pretend to any right to these lands and seas , I am ready and prepared to deny him and to defend them in the names of the Kings of Castile present and future , whose is this empire and the dominion of these Indies , islands and mainland , northern and southern , with their seas , in the arctic pole as in the antarctic , on both sides of the equinoctial line , within and without the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn — so that each thing and part of it belong and appertain most completely to Their Highnesses and to their successors , as I declare more at length by writ setting forth all that may be said or can be said and alleged in behalf of their royal patrimony , now and for all time so long as the world shall last until the final universal judgement of all mortals . '
29 On 9 October , 1957 the atomic pile of No. 1 Reactor at Windscale in Cumberland , north-west England , began to overheat and part of it caught fire .
30 Suddenly , the grass around the den began to rustle and clumps of it fell down the bank .
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