Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [verb] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Language provides the vehicle for this , and the syntax and content of the recall or response tell us much about the way the individual thinks and remembers .
2 They have used them already to build communal tents , to extrude life-lines guiding them over plants , or ropes to let themselves down from one twig to another .
3 Neither needed the masculine camaraderie of club or golf course , pub or grouse moor which so many of their colleagues found necessary to solace or sustain their over-busy lives .
4 But some of the new philosophers and freethinkers — Voltaire ( 1694–1778 ) , for example — go the whole hog and , particularly in Catholic France , where anticlericalism spurs it on , atheism takes root .
5 It is a risky policy merely to ignore really aggressive behaviour , simply to let children or teenagers fight it out to the finish .
6 Where Eva went she often followed , to outings , functions , Shakespearean plays .
7 What books or articles do I already know that address my main question ?
8 In addition to the barristers in practice , a considerable number have used the Bar as a stepping stone or crutch leading them on to other things .
9 The pressures to be either Black or lesbian make it very difficult and confusing to develop being Black and lesbian .
10 As a child it 's your parents or friends or teachers , and in old age it 's helpers or carers to see you through . ’
11 If you are not too bothered erm , if you do n't know a priori where the break comes , you can just split the sample size in half and just estimate erm an equation for each , not less , you wo n't but the computer will , if you just specify half the sample size , right , and when it asks for the number of observations failure or Chow tests you just press the return key and it will use all the remaining observations , right , but when you are doing the empirical work you should always test for structural stability , right , and er either of Chow 's tests will , will suffice , right , but if you 've got a very small stock sample where there are fewer observations than there are parameters to be estimated you will have to use Chow 's second test failure .
12 Put the woodlice in a small plastic box , bottle or tube to carry them home , then set them free in the pot .
13 You will find that out as you arrange the information or evidence to back it up .
14 Does the sight of Major , Kinnock or Ashdown make you instantly reach for your remote control ?
15 The Type II model may lead to inequity between health care groups since large amounts of a health authority 's budget would be compulsorily diverted to those areas where patients are more mobile and where providers find it most profitable to supply services , i.e. mainly elective surgery .
16 On the other hand , Type II systems would appear to allow little scope for equity between groups since large amounts of a health authority 's budget would be compulsorily diverted to those areas where patients are more mobile and where providers find it most profitable to supply services , that is mainly elective surgery .
17 ‘ Some chap or other told me once , ’ Artemis 's father suddenly said , ‘ that somebody or other discovered America before Columbus or whoever it was who did , but decided it was best to keep it under his hat . ’
18 I mean , my concern here is that if you 've got a procedure that 's got nine points in it , and effectively we 're going to go through one , two , three , five of those nine points and say either this does not apply to access or access does it differently .
19 W & V bowl them over
20 The Rank Organisation 's policy defines exceptional cases as those where ‘ the recruit 's seniority , special skills , experience or qualifications make it particularly desirable to offer him employment and it appears improbable that he will accept unless a contribution is made towards his relocation expenses ’ .
21 Or people order them together , yeah ?
22 A crumb of chocolate stuck to her lip , where Coffin watched it slowly melt as he spoke to her .
23 ‘ I 've got to get rid of this man before Sister or Robins finds him here .
24 It is the action of a player too limited in skill or sense to do anything else .
25 At the time it seemed senselessly cruel , but it often proved justifiable in the end : some girls who married Englishmen or Americans found themselves very unhappy in their new life , and eventually returned to Italy .
26 Aspects of class , race , or nationalism passed them by , though this was less true of another distinguished author , Margaret Drabble .
27 Next week we must have Brian or Gerry telling you why I 'm wrong and they 'd be as persuasive , or more persuasive than I 'm being , but I ca n't see the case for such a thing as a law of form .
28 More often the remains will be very slight , but most villages would formerly have had farms or cottages occupying what today are often grassy paddocks in gaps along the streets .
29 Any artist 's choice of media is often a practical one ; when working outside , it is difficult to manage large-scale work , and gouache or oil lend themselves well to the immediacy and vibrancy of an outdoor setting .
30 If you really want to make an impression , decorate a basket or box to parcel them in .
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