Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [verb] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Ladder and/or steps to gain access to the roof space ( usually the vendor will provide this )
2 Just as essences or forms give rise to those properties , so definitions of those forms , when used as premisses , give rise to conclusions about those properties .
3 Equally , there has been no need or opportunity to discuss concepts of rights in detail , since there are no entrenched constitutional provisions to serve as an automatic focus of attention .
4 A recent survey by Datamation and Cowen & Co showed increases in the percentage of both technical and commercial users who indicated they definitely planned to buy an RS/6000 in the next 18 months .
5 He has set up Klesch & Co to trade loans in troubled companies such as Heron and to advise on corporate restructurings .
6 In an economy with a government sector ( Figure 9.6 ) a net outflow of funds to the government ( where taxes exceed expenditure on a particular day ) results in the banking system being under-liquid .
7 One of the simplest sets of stimuli used in dichotic listening experiments consists of natural or computer generated pairs of syllables , such as /pa/ and /da/ .
8 But if these designs tapped a familiar vein , he proved his adaptability by accepting an invitation from John Line & Sons to design wallpaper for their ‘ Limited Editions ’ series , the first British set of screen-printed papers .
9 If we need any further confirmation of Chaucer 's ability to play with and confuse levels of narrative in this sort of way , we can cite line 1685 of the Merchant 's Tale , where Justinus reminds January of the teaching of the Wife of Bath 's Prologue .
10 But by the 1860s Berkeley Hill had become integrated into the culture of London 's professional gentry , where experts rubbed shoulders with the leaders of upper middle-class and aristocratic society .
11 In 1938 the Christies moved into the ground-floor flat of 10 Rillington Place ( later demolished ) in west London , where Christie found employment as a clerk .
12 Many pilots consider , quite wrongly , that it shows lack or judgement to use airbrakes on the base leg .
13 This sobering news sent brewery shares reeling — S & N lost 29p to 390p and Greene King fell 21p to 422p .
14 The anarchist , or more accurately anarcho-syndicalist , CNT ( National Confederation of Labour ) had been founded in 1910–11 ; its main bastions were Catalonia , where socialist strength in the working class was virtually non-existent ; Andalusia , where anarchism drew vigour from a long tradition of rural insurrectionism and millenarianism ; Zaragoza ; and parts of Asturias , Valencia and Galicia .
15 In all practices without a screening or case finding programme with high response most of these cases will not be detected until they are over 40 .
16 ( You may find that your course , college or university has rules for upper and lower limits , so check these before you start . )
17 There have been few detailed studies of the technology of particular types of artefact , or products requiring tools in their manufacture .
18 ELECTRICAL company Dowding & Mills lost £632,000 in its failed takeover bid for North-East engineering firm Torday & Carlisle .
19 Once she 's moving , clumsiness or inability to see things in her path .
20 Following the 1921 Railways Act , on 1 January 1923 the L & NWR became part of the LMSR .
21 In the early 1900s , the War Railway Council ( later the Railway Executive Committee ) , asked the L & NWR to prepare plans for an ambulance for home use .
22 Thirdly , there are case-studies on particular industries or technologies to throw light on the generation , adoption , diffusion and success in exploiting new technologies .
23 Dispersive instruments use prisms or gratings to separate radiation of different frequencies , by refraction or diffraction .
24 Unlike the USA , where emancipation released slaves from plantations to develop into a large indigenous population , Britain acquired its black contingent initially through immigration .
25 If one adds to this one other incontrovertible fact — that the overwhelming majority of women have lived their lives without economic freedom or autonomy , but as dependants or chattels lacking control over the crucial fixed aspects of their own lives — then it becomes clear that the chameleon nature of women is their necessary self-protection .
26 Kingfisher jumped 11p to 583p , Marks & Spencer added 6p to 332p and Boots finished 9p ahead at 550p .
27 Marks & Spencer climbed 6p to 313p ; Kingfisher ( Woolies ) added 10p to 565p with Next 3p better at 132p .
28 Where Hegel sees national or supra-national civilisations as the instrument or the perfecting dialectic , Marx sees classes of society ; and where Hegel sees history as the account of the development of the abstract spirit of humanity — or , perhaps better , of the development of human consciousness — Marx relates his view to the mode of production which he sees as comprehending within itself all the factors affecting the formation and attributes of a society .
29 Any batteries , pods , packs or trays showing signs of corrosion or rust must be replaced .
30 Cheshire 's ‘ Cost Centre ’ scheme , where schools had control of essentially non-staffing resources .
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