Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [noun] and [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 This early collaboration with the adviser Proved to be mutually beneficial as it was an attempt by the adviser to persuade schools to place microcomputers away from the maths or physics department and helped in the school library service policy of validating the links between the school library and information technology .
2 She could not get a grant or income support and had no option of going part time .
3 These presentations are referred to as pseudoisochromatic or confusion plates and set a task in which the normal eye can discriminate figures composed of coloured dots , whilst the eye with abnormal colour vision can not do so .
4 The Minoans built cisterns or water tanks and lined them with water-resistant plaster .
5 Lung-tissue specimens were collected from 52 patients who had undergone open lung biopsy or lung transplantation and had a clinical and/or histological diagnosis of interstitial lung fibrosis , and , as a control group , from 17 lungs intended for transplant but unused .
6 It is thought to have exploded on Saturday night or Sunday morning and caused minor damage .
7 It was minuted that the papers did not imply a commitment by the Regional Council to particular levels of growth or policy stances and did not constitute a formal statutory stage of public consultation .
8 Pieces of pine from apple cases became cricket bats , tennis rackets or hockey sticks and gave them endless hours of pleasure .
9 According to these members , Mr Aleksandar Kwiasnewski , a ‘ liberal ’ who is much younger than Mr Rakowski and had a rapid rise in the last phase of the Communist government , could replace him .
10 At 62 , Mr Levitt is both older than Mr Breeden and considered less abrasive .
11 Mr Sisulu , now 77 , was six years older than Mr Mandela and became something of a mentor to him on his arrival in Johannesburg in 1941 .
12 She left the dining room that November morning and took the dogs for a walk down by the river .
13 Mortensen also noted that A. ingolfiana was bigger than A. norvegica and had coarser arms .
14 The animals ' cages were smaller than Government guidelines and contained no bedding or playthings .
15 Such people were based in separate areas of the prison , wore civilian clothes rather than prison uniforms and organised their daily activities independently of prison routines .
16 It is certain that the electors discussed the name of Stephen Neill , who had had a far more brilliant academic career as an undergraduate than Michael Ramsey and had lately dazzled the university by his lecturing and preaching power .
17 He was a very gentle and kind man and made friends with so many people in the Baptist church community here . ’
18 Japanese chemists have synthesised a large number of isoprenyl and isoprenoxyl derivatives and tested them against animal models .
19 Then , when he fell £83,000 in arrears with the mortgage , he befriended Frank and Sheila Collings and conned them out of the deeds of their Twickenham home .
20 The first generally available databases were often produced as a stage in the computer-based printing of abstract and index publications and contained , therefore , bibliographic references .
21 They then measured the distance between Hartwell and Roade Station and divided it into three equal parts .
22 Miss Kay Evans , Chairing her last meeting as the Society 's President welcomed the four new committee members , Toni Bergman , Adrienne Ring , Cecilia Taylor and Jan Weisner and thanked the retiring members , Bridget Ewing and Berta Group .
23 Turning self-employed , Semie drew upon the influences of Rickenbacker 's Paul Barth and Roger Rossmeisl and built a triple-neck guitar/mandolin/octave guitar , which led to an order for a double-neck guitar/octave guitar from the well-known country picker Joe Maphis .
24 As a result of her involvement in the policy group all 46 practices in Newcastle were consulted over the draft discharge and assessment arrangements and had an opportunity to influence them .
25 Almost all candidates in last month 's general elections , which were also the first in more than 22 years , called for lifting of martial law and defence laws and demanded the freedom of the press , freedom of association , and the legalisation of political parties banned by law since 1957 .
26 Until then , the Falklands had been the concern of the Overseas and Defence Committee and had not featured strongly in discussions in full Cabinet .
27 In 1991 , Watson was primed from the lead with Jose-Maria Olazabal and Ian Woosnam and overdid the fade from the tee .
28 The Exchequer and Audit Departments Act of 1866 ( as slightly amended in 1921 ) created the office of the Comptroller and Auditor General and charged him to identify and report upon the public accounts and to ensure that expenditures were authorised by Parliament and supported by the Treasury .
29 He told me they had put into Puerto Gallegos to land seven Swedish engineers with spares for Volvo and Saab equipment and had seen an old wooden square-rigger lying at the Navy Yard quay .
30 Jonathan Mann , chairman of the conference and director of the Harvard AIDS Institute , criticized countries which had downgraded their prevention and research strategy and warned that " the gap between the intensifying pace of the pandemic and lagging national and global response is widening rapidly and dangerously " .
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